Officer/partner in trouble

Nice how that veered back onto thread.

I was afraid it was going to turn into another amateur gunfighting/right to bear rant.

LE is ALWAYS going to be "outnumbered" until they reach Booking. Wading in to help them will make you a casualty too, most likely, or at least a target.

THIS is the whole point of teaching and teaching and teaching "Scene safety", to overcome that blind urge to "do something!" which costs us the lives of EMS, firefighters, LE and civilians needlessly every year.

officer/partner in trouble.

I believe it would be up to the individual at the time of the incident.
Me? I would assist the officer/my partner or a stranger if necessary.
I may not be very strong, but I would use what equipment, and resources (radio, scissors etc.) I had and start taking people down. But I would not look down on anyone that did not react in this situation either. Maybe they went to call 9-1-1! You never know.
I would only do it for a partner (or another public servant), or maybe a child as well.

Yeah sounds good public servent and all, I guess AMR medics are on there own.:P
I would have to figure out a way. Worst comes to worst, I would use my knife that I will carry or an ASP. It's not an easy scenario. Sometimes, it's necessary to put yourself in harms way.

As of now, I do not want to carry a gun while on duty. But I will have to give it some serious thought.

You would carry an ASP? Why? Where would you keep it? Do you even know what an ASP is?
This may sound like a stupid question, but I ask this because the number one rule in EMS is personal safety. But are there times that you would put your safety at risk?

If you have to ask this dont deserve a partner. PARTNERS BEWARE
Why are we reviving threads that flatlined two years ago?
Thread reopened. Please make sure we are following the first rule: Be Polite
If you have to ask this dont deserve a partner. PARTNERS BEWARE

I would not if there was a larger chance that intervening would lead to my death/serious injury than mitigating the situation. Such as groups of individuals, weapons, ect. Why? Because I have now contributed to the situation rather than improving it. So should my partners now beware of me too?

Please drop the hero complex, this is not what we're here for. Medical professionals would be well advised to remember the best self-defense tools they have are their words and their feet. Often times the best thing you can do is be an excelent witness.
You would carry an ASP? Why? Where would you keep it? Do you even know what an ASP is?

Why would I say I'd carry one if I didn't know what it was? :wacko:
If you have to ask this dont deserve a partner. PARTNERS BEWARE

It was a hypothetical question designed to start a conversation. If appropriate I'd definitely help my partner out. I'm not stupid.

Drop the superiority complex.
Why would I say I'd carry one if I didn't know what it was? :wacko:

And to clarify, this was more than a year ago. I feel differently now, and wouldn't carry one. Never have, never will.
It was a hypothetical question designed to start a conversation. If appropriate I'd definitely help my partner out. I'm not stupid.

Drop the superiority complex.

Not a superiority complex. Its a true feeling. When out in a city environment and responding to an incident of, as you put it in your original post "gang related," violence, the fact that police have cleared the scene does not mean you're entirely safe. I need to be able to rely on someone who would save my backside just as quickly and decisively as I would if the situation was reversed. This is in no way a superiority complex, but merely a protective instinct for myself and my partner.

congrats saycarramrod on the COMBO BREAKER
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Not a superiority complex. Its a true feeling. When out in a city environment and responding to an incident of, as you put it in your original post "gang related," violence, the fact that police have cleared the scene does not mean you're entirely safe. I need to be able to rely on someone who would save my backside just as quickly and decisively as I would if the situation was reversed. This is in no way a superiority complex, but merely a protective instinct for myself and my partner.

congrats saycarramrod on the COMBO BREAKER

I'm not sure if your new and just haven't had a sufficient dose of reality yet, or if you've watched too many Chuck Norris movies but the fact is if your partner is getting stomped by a mob, your probably going to do very little other than add to the stompees. If your partner is getting attacked with a weapon, you had better be prepared to get cut/shot/beaten severly as part of the effort to help them. The consequence for the very real posibillity of failure? Debilitating injury or worse. Perhaps your ok with dying "heroically trying to aid your partner", I personally find there to be very little that is "heroic" about death.

Understand your name will be used used in EMS classes from then till enternity, and not in a good way. "I don't know what the (insert insult here) was thinking" will be the phrase used when talking about your death. Your spouse/girlfriend will go on without you, your children if you have any will grow up minus one parent. Everyone else will forget you except for being an example of what NOT to do.

I'm not talking about tackling the lone guy, I'm talking about the situation presented here. Take honest stock and ask yourself if your willing to have that fate. The risk benefit of intervening in a mob situation/against weapons just isn't there. I don't expect anyone to do it for me either.
I'm not sure if your new and just haven't had a sufficient dose of reality yet, or if you've watched too many Chuck Norris movies but the fact is if your partner is getting stomped by a mob, your probably going to do very little other than add to the stompees. If your partner is getting attacked with a weapon, you had better be prepared to get cut/shot/beaten severly as part of the effort to help them. The consequence for the very real posibillity of failure? Debilitating injury or worse. Perhaps your ok with dying "heroically trying to aid your partner", I personally find there to be very little that is "heroic" about death.

Understand your name will be used used in EMS classes from then till enternity, and not in a good way. "I don't know what the (insert insult here) was thinking" will be the phrase used when talking about your death. Your spouse/girlfriend will go on without you, your children if you have any will grow up minus one parent. Everyone else will forget you except for being an example of what NOT to do.

I'm not talking about tackling the lone guy, I'm talking about the situation presented here. Take honest stock and ask yourself if your willing to have that fate. The risk benefit of intervening in a mob situation/against weapons just isn't there. I don't expect anyone to do it for me either.

Here's a dose of reality for you. I've been there. Watched a partner attacked. Attacked at a bar with plenty of weapons that could have been used. I was a ride along at the time. What I saw wasn't a "hero" nor was it Chuck Norris. What I saw was a partner not hesitate to go after the crowd attacking his partner as well as calling the two cops outside in to help as well. There were cuts and bruises but the partner that was being stomped by a buddy of the injured who drunkenly thought he was hurting his friend and grabbed a crew of clowns was a lot better off. Nothing heroic. This didnt make the papers or any of that crap. It went in reports and went to court while the lives of the professionals moved on. Give me a break
I am going to have to completely agree with threesevenkilo with this one. If my partner is attacked you'd better believe I'm going to have his back. I'm conscious of the threat of injury when I get involved but if I did nothing and something serious happened to my partner and I didn't get involved I would have to live with that for the rest of my life. To me that would be worse than any physical injury because I know that I could have done something and because I didn't my partner is now hurt.

Now consider this. What if it isnt your partner that's getting assaulted. What if its your best friend? Or your spouse? Or your child? Are you going to stand back and call for help and just watch them get beat? Or are you going to get in there and start splitting some wigs? I know what I would do.
Now consider this. What if it isnt your partner that's getting assaulted. What if its your best friend? Or your spouse? Or your child? Are you going to stand back and call for help and just watch them get beat? Or are you going to get in there and start splitting some wigs? I know what I would do.

This is exactly the mentality I am trying to convey, just put into much better words by saycarramrod. Thank you.