Off-shore EMS


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I have heard (in passing) about an extension course (like TEMS or WEMT/WALS) in off-shore (for working on ships/oil rigs, etc.) medicine for EMTs or medics. Has anyone heard of this or know what organizations offer this kind of training?
Acadian Ambulance offers it for their contract service's medics. I took the course back in '98, very advanced training and expanded scope at that time. Not really sure what it encompasses today.............
We have two seasoned Paramedics (one a new RN as well) that just left a few months ago for ship medics. They have no additional education other than Paramedic school and well seasoned.

They work 6 weeks on and 6 weeks off. Unable to go outside the infirmary due to safety restrictions, lots of satellite t.v., antibiotic therapy, cough, sutures, staples, etc.. Nearest hospital is 3 hours flying time, that is if the Coast Guard will or can fly... so one may be with a serious patient for a while.

Financially, it appears okay money except when one figures up an hourly rate gone away from home, it is not that great.... ($75k/yr)

They do sutures and staples without training beyond paramedic? I never learned any of that in medic school.
They do sutures and staples without training beyond paramedic? I never learned any of that in medic school.
It is my understanding that Acadian offers courses beyond EMT-Paramedic for those that work off-shore. Suturing and stapling isn't the hardest skill to learn.