NYC Methodist Hospital online

hmm, if I can switch to days, I might actually do this program......
Sounds like a horrible idea. Where do I sign up?

$10K seems pretty pricy
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NYC programs usually cost 10k although you don't even get nys out of it.
I did the NY Methodist program in 2004-2005, and I enjoyed it. They had (have?) M-W 0900-1700 twice a week, or 1800-2200 M-Th, so there are options for traditional class. Get Tony Thomas as the CIC if you can, if he still teaches there. $6,000 for the program back whe I took it.

This sounds like nothing more than a money grab, although this might be good for someone who wants to use the P-card to work out of state.

I think NREMT reciprocity is different for those that took the original in NY vs someone coming in from out of state. How about calling the number and asking how their cert may or may not help in NYS reciprocity?