NREMT-B exam


Forum Probie
ok quick question today i completed my nremt b exam and went the whole 120 questions. I know its pass or fail no matter how many questions you get But i have a question that i have yet to find in these forums...If i am so called not doing to good on the exam in a certain category then why does it let me go the whole 120 q's if i had no initial chance of passing earlier in the test anyway? And im pretty positive my test had no trauma what so ever and 1 obgy question the rest was ventilation and cardiology . Lol so how does it even grade me on ems ops if i literally had no ems ops questions?? and another thing it did was ask me a first day of class question repeatedly! anyone else find that jb learning and other study guides have no relevance toward the termiology and wording of this exam?
Usually if you completely bomb the test it will stop you very early. If you went to 120 it may mean you were on the border or it means you were randomly selected to answer all 120 questions as a test validation.

I am fairly confident there were trauma and EMS ops questions on the test. After 120 question, you are not going to be able to remember every single question that was asked.
Oh ok cool thanks for the reply hopefully i passed i should know on monday..
Yeah the questions that were pertaining to trauma or EMS ops you could have grouped multiple categories together. I don't know what you're talking about by a first day of class question.. but if the exam was 95% sure you couldn't pass it would have stopped you earlier. Good luck hope you ended up passing!
Yeah the questions that were pertaining to trauma or EMS ops you could have grouped multiple categories together. I don't know what you're talking about by a first day of class question.. but if the exam was 95% sure you couldn't pass it would have stopped you earlier. Good luck hope you ended up passing!
I passed!!