Now hiring


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I recieved a notice of "Now Hiring" from the ambluance service in Milwaukee (across the state from me). I assume I am on a mailing list resulting from subscriptions, conferences, etc.

Basics starting at $10.25 and Paramedics at $15 per hour.

How does this pay scale rate amonst some of the other services around you folks? I'm not concerned about your own personal pay, but generalizations are appreciated.

Reasons for asking? Well, curious as to how different areas stand, for one. I learned early in my career to not let money ever be a decider to "finding one's calling"

I would venture to say most parts of Wisconsin are roughly similar to these rates. The ALS provider in our area is similar pay with most of their responses being rural travel.

Any input is welcome.
That sounds really good for Basics... starting pay for EMT-Bs around here is only $8 an hour or so from what I've heard. I think paramedics start at about $15-18.

I live in the Denver metro area of Colorado
Sounds like you guys need better unions.

Here in BC basic's get around $24/hr.

Advanced Care Paramedics $30/hr

Critical Care Paramedics $ 32/hr

In the oil patch guys get $550/ 12 hr day.

Nurse's get $42/hr, agency.

That and our dollar is now at par....
Bone dog please don't compare Canadian EMS wages to the US. It is in no way comparable in the slightest.

When we require 2 years college to be an EMT B and three years to be at the medic level like you guys do, then we can talk that kind of money.

Until that day comes, we should be thankful that we get the wages we do for the minimal education we obtain.
Look at the JEMS salary survey. EMT-B's run the gamut from free (volunteer) to minimum wage, to 20+ an hour with experience. A lot of the salary is based on local cost of living. Compare what you'd be making to a Wal-Mart Greeter, or McDonald's employee. If you aren't making a little more... look somewhere else :)

Around here, most transport companies start EMT-B's without experience out at 10-11 an hour. New medics start at 16-18. With expernience... it goes up.
Western Pa, We start Emt's at 9 to 10 bucks an hour and Medics at 15 to 17 so we sound like we are in line with others also.
Most everyone is EMS works another job.:rolleyes:
"Most everyone is EMS works another job."

Ain't that the truth...truly a shame, however. But I'm sure this point has been beaten to death, and is on many other posts.

"Most everyone is EMS works another job."

Ain't that the truth...truly a shame, however. But I'm sure this point has been beaten to death, and is on many other posts.


Very true, we can only hope for change someday. B) I know I as well as many other would love to earn and honest living doing this but by trade I'm a graphic designer.
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Pretty sad folks, I know when I standby at major sport events, some of the participants can make my wage in one period or sometimes one or two shifts ...

Even here in the alturistic north the wages aren't as good as some labourer's in heavy industry. This when we actually have government sponsered health care.

Typical rich west and poor east.:rolleyes::rolleyes:
PCPs at $17.75 - $19.90 and ACPs at $21.15 - $24.60. :sad:
Around here a three bedroom bungalow for $100,000 - $150,000. A Cape Cod style for around $220,000 in a subdivision. Add about $100,000 if you go to Halifax.
I think you have to be careful when you ask someone how much they make. The $30,000 I made in Michigan would provide much more for me in the small southern town I just moved from. I left a two bedroom apartment in a smallish town for $520 to a one bedroom in a larger suburb for $800 a month. It's really about your standard of living.

I believe that EMS gigs pretty much pay the same no matter where you are. I'd look for working conditions, types of calls, runs per shift, and equipment as the deciding factors.
I think you have to be careful when you ask someone how much they make. The $30,000 I made in Michigan would provide much more for me in the small southern town I just moved from. I left a two bedroom apartment in a smallish town for $520 to a one bedroom in a larger suburb for $800 a month. It's really about your standard of living.

I believe that EMS gigs pretty much pay the same no matter where you are. I'd look for working conditions, types of calls, runs per shift, and equipment as the deciding factors.

Look at benefits also. I work two ems jobs one place they give you nothing and the other we get short and long term disability, life insurance, heath care, vacation.
You're absolutely right. I'd consider benefits to be one of the most important deciding factors.
Yes. Benefits along with the work environment. Aside from EMS for a sec. I work inthe construction industry for a great company that really cares about the employees and clients. The money and work are very good. It took a few years of change for us to "find" each other. A good match. I'm happy.

The purpose of my post was more or less of the industry itself. This question can be asked of any job as it relates all over the country. The same can be said for fuel prices, homes, health care, etc.

I'm happy with my job, but hey, who says one can't make changes later in life?
Yes. Benefits along with the work environment. Aside from EMS for a sec. I work inthe construction industry for a great company that really cares about the employees and clients. The money and work are very good. It took a few years of change for us to "find" each other. A good match. I'm happy.

The purpose of my post was more or less of the industry itself. This question can be asked of any job as it relates all over the country. The same can be said for fuel prices, homes, health care, etc.

I'm happy with my job, but hey, who says one can't make changes later in life?

At 40 and having been in and out of ems for years it is always something great to fall back on and if at Christmas time you was to earn a few extra bucks then call (if you in good standing ) you local service and ask them to put you back on the scheduled. There were times in live I only did one shift a week just so I could stay active and bump back up if I wanted.
I live in edmonton alberta.

EMT-A (EMT-I for you americans) - $24.50 an hour approx starting wage with benefits and all the rest.
EMT-P $26.50

all other surrounding cities start EMT-A's at about 20$ an hour.

Kind of crazy that 2 years additional schooling and 20 grand in debts to become a paramedics instead of just an EMT-A only nets you an additional 2 dollars an hour :P but hey! more tubes in more holes.
At my company basics start at $13.25/hour and medics at around $16/hour.

I think the nature of a job should determine the pay, not the level of education needed to obtain it. There are tons of jobs that require less education than an EMT-Basic yet pay a lot more. I really don't feel that companies are paying their employees so little because of how much education they received.