Newbie on board.


Forum Probie
Just signed on to say hi. Shift is a bit boring today.

I am a ff/medic in Washington State on the wet side. On the dept. for 27 years on the box for over 25 and a medic starting my 24th year. I am 2 years past eligable retirement, but I can't seem to find anything as fun or that pays as much for actually gettting out of bed and going to work only 7 days a month. (8hrs 5 day a week?, what ? you want to kill me?) We work a 24 hour shift BTW.

Currently 2nd senior medic, second least time on engines but I have more fires under my belt than most of the new guys with 7 years on. ( we burnt it all down years ago) ;) Thanks to seniority I have the best spot in the dept right now. County rig with Interstate freeway and north county as my response area. Gives me more trauma than in town and I prefer trauma. Dept. gets about 13,000 calls a year. Four full time rigs. Two in the county with double medics and the two in town rigs usually have double coverage but not lately. Cross staffed with medics on several of the engines.

Recently, BLS has been taken over by the county FD's and we only give assists. It's been really nice to only roll on ALS most of the time after all these years. It might help me stretch this gig out to 30 or 35 years. :wacko:

That's the long and the short of it. Hope to meet some new people here and share some stories.

Later ffmedic :)


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Welcome to our own little corner of dysfunction.

It's about time we get some more people from Washington here...we were being overrun by Floridians :p

Future EMT 07

Forum Probie
ffemt8978 said:
Welcome to our own little corner of dysfunction.

It's about time we get some more people from Washington here...we were being overrun by Floridians :p

Im not an EMT yet but i will from Washington though....jus thought id share that:unsure:


Site Administrator
Community Leader
Welcome to the group ffmedic, from one of the Floridians.

30-35 years huh? I guess only working seven days a month helps with that. What are you currently doing in your off time? Hobbies?

I look forward to reading more of your posts.

Oh, and I'll see you in about 10 or so years when you retire in Florida. LOL


Forum Asst. Chief
Welcome to the forum! There are lots of nice people here.....represented from all over the US and a few overseas too. Various skill levels and experience. All good folks. I look forward to your posts, visiting with you, and learning from you. Have a great weekend.:)


Forum Lieutenant
We're all crazy...


Community Leader
Welcome to EMTlife - we put the Fun in Dysfunction!


Forum Probie
Chimpie said:
What are you currently doing in your off time? Hobbies?

Oh, and I'll see you in about 10 or so years when you retire in Florida. LOL

Until I got screwed up by lasik surgery I did long distance motorcycling. I am back riding now but only commuting. I have a hard time night riding and thats important for LD riding. ( my last "Iron Butt" ride was from Here to Souix Falls SD, 1660 miles in 24 hours)

I do a lot of work on my MAC. ( 22 years a microsoft guy and now I've turned to the dark side).

Next up continue my persuit of a skydiving rating. My son is an Air Force SERE guy (survival specialist) a jump master, HALO jumper and survival jump instructor. With his contacts I can get a heck of a discount.

Lastly so as not to bore any one, my grand daughters are really big deals to me right now. 10 years and 20 months and both gems. I am now known as "papa" and I cherish it above all else. The little one lights up like no other female has when she hears my name. Always wants to be picked up by me and she takes a lot of energy at my age. ;)

Retire to Florida? You must be outta your mind as you do already live there. I lived in Georgia, Virginia and DC while an army brat and want nothing of the East Coast weather thank you. One of our Capt. did just retire there thou gh he was a Capt after all. :p