New Year's resolution '09


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Hi everyone,

Just wondering what your resolution(s) is/are for the comming year?

Mine is to volunteer more of my time to local groups. ^_^

Take Care,
to stop drinking mt dew !
I could never do that! My blood pumps green!
Lose the weight I've put on during EMT class. Never been so sedentary in my entire life. We've got other people dropping like 10 pounds just because they make us take the stairs to and from class. Makes me wonder just how ridiculously out of shape one must be to eat at the food court daily and still manage to lose 10 lbs in a month because they walk up and down 4 flights of stairs.
I think I want to achive better marks in school, volunteer about 200 hours (if my age doe not come into play) , and my biggest is make first team rugby.
Loose weight, climb a bit more, learn alot more, get a job
Get through EMT-B school, less coffee, more exercise, more hunting and fishing!
Start waking up at 6 am for some reading and/or exercise.
Not take any hostages over at county dispatch. Guess I'll have to find another use for this duct tape and this rifle....


I've given up making them.. don't last past March.

So I guess I'll give er a try.

My resolution: to have my resolution actually last.
1) Successfully finish Medic school/pass NREMT

2) Get healthier (Excercise/Diet), I have developed some extremely poor eating habits, became a bit lazy, and have tacked on about 30lbs and ~4inches in my waistline since my shifts now consists of laying on a couch for about 15 out of 24hour shift.
  • Volunteer More At The Homeless Shelter
  • Take College Algebra and actually finish it, not drop it because it gives me a headache
  • Get into nursing school at UCF or Florida Hospital's College of Health Sciences
  • Be more kind, giving, and understanding of people less fortunate.
  • Donate more money to salvation army/coalition for the homeless/etc.

Those are my top ones, more as I think of it.
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I want to pass the NREMT, and get on a truck and use my skills from emt school. Pass the fire department test and physical agility and be hired. I would like to end 2009 as a FF/EMT-P.
- Pass the NREMT-B
- Get reciprocity in Massachusetts and move to Boston
- Work full-time as an EMT
- Exercise more
- Learn Spanish
Let's give it a try!

Well here it goes:

Lose weight.... ( god I hate the holidays and all of the that home cooking! :P)

Keep chipping away at school ( and not be so over whelmed by it! :o)

Laugh more, Call and go out with my friends more offen! ( all work and no play can make a goddess cranky! ;))

To the new year!!
Take EMT-B class
Pass NREMT-B cert.
Lose weight (I'm already starting on this by trying to eat better and checking out gyms). Lord knows that I need to be in better shape before I start an EMS gig.
Learn daily how to be a better husband, brother and friend.
Let's see. (Down, Dino, Down!)

1. Survive and don't get fired.
2. Make my wife happier. (See #1 above, part two)
3. Get teaching to keep my new certificate and get better at it.
4. Try not to always be "the capper" on threads here!:blush:

Happy coming year folks, keep it shiney side up and universally precautious!