New/paramedic to be biggest fears :s

Just being a new medic is scary in general, lack of exposure to less common calls. A limited mental rolodex.
Hmm, imagine that. Just like being a new EMT ;)

Except worse, because you're the one people rely on, the medications you give can actually kill people and you generally don't have someone higher than you to verify your decisions on scene.
Thks I think now I will wait more 20 years to get my license ;)

Ana, don't listen to him!! I have taken calls for PED's and Children multiple times. It's not the easiest thing to do, but it will get better. Most of the time, they are going to be ok, and probably just a lil sick!! I have never had a call for a PED or Child crash on me!!

Except worse, because you're the one people rely on, the medications you give can actually kill people and you generally don't have someone higher than you to verify your decisions on scene.

Oh I know. It's just ironic that he said it because of something he had said in another thread.
I'll have to agree with the pooper. When you get the bubble guts and you have to focus so hard on slamming the sphincter shut you forget what else is going on. That is fear.
I still have this irrational fear of doing everything right only to have a cot malfunction that topples a patient to the pavement strapped in and helpless against gravity...just got goosebumps thinking about it...
I still have this irrational fear of doing everything right only to have a cot malfunction that topples a patient to the pavement strapped in and helpless against gravity...just got goosebumps thinking about it...

A good reason to make sure your partner doesn't "hot drop" the stretcher.
My biggest fear is getting killed or seriously injured at work, more specifically, in an ambulance crash.

Some of the BLS providers (who have the ambulances that we ALS folks have to ride in) scare the bejabbers out of me.

I'm glad someone else feels this way. I already feel uneasy letting someone else drive in just a regular vehicle, let alone with an ambulance and false sense of entitlement for reckless driving.

Other than the driving, I would say one of my biggest fears is delivering a baby especially one with complications