new here to emt scene


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ya, i am seriously thinking on doing it, but i need more convinceing, casue it is almost time for me to start college, i just wnat more pros and cons. it would be much appreciated.
First welcome to the site! .. Not to be rude, but do spell check, I am sure your messages are informative; just hard to interpert.

If you need convincing to be in EMS, probably don't need to be in it. Sorry, in the real life of it; there is not much rewards or payment back. Low pay, long hours, getting abused, spat upon, pissed upon (and other body eliminations)... working in adverse conditions, being talked about, gawked at, yelled at, blamed for, accused of, never home, always more school and education, work all Holidays, never sleep at night, tired in the day, drunks love you, drunks hate you, see, smell and feel death, see sorrow.. very little happiness and your partner knows when you go to the restroom.... now, if you can handle this you too can say..... God I love this job!
then i will do it, all i want to do is help people. its in my heart to help others.
the EMT course isn't that bad and after getting your Basic, if you don't like it.....don't pursue it any further

But like many, I think you'll like it! If 'your heart is in it'

Good luck! and welcome!

PS- I started my EMT course during the last semester of my senior year of high school and graduated just fine!
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thank you ^^, i hope to train to paramedic one day maybe
like any job with little training it has it's fair share of cons that only made up for by the personal and spiritual rewards, if you like long hours for very very little pay then EMS is for you. you can make a great career for it if your heart and mind are in the right place.
thank you for your words.
I don't want to sound mean by saying this but,, are you foreign? It doesn't look like English is your first language.

If it is and you just graduated, wow you'll fit right in.

I feel like I'm reading "HOW, ME INDIAN, ME LIKE PIE"

Again if English isn't your first language I apologize.;)


Ok now for comments..

Like was said above if you need to be convinced about going into this field, then you don't need to be going into this field. IMHO and no offense to the younger people, but I think kids just out of high school shouldn't be doing this.
I think there is a maturity factor in dealing with people that a person doesn't get until they are at least out of their teens. Go to college like was mentioned above and then take an EMT class part time.

Get your degree, then worry about being an EMT.
i am a english speaker by birth, and i made a mistake and did not catch it, i worked too hard all my life to throw off the label the oohh so great govenment gave me. i worked too hard to get insulted by you too. i am not a indian, i am of german ancestry and i was proudly born in florida. thank you for what kind words you had and i convinced myself to it.
hi, I am new to this site, and i actually begin taking my emt classes this month, I am also a part of cert community emergency response team. so anyone that has any advice, I can always use it
"i am a english speaker by birth, and i made a mistake and did not catch it, i worked too hard all my life to throw off the label the oohh so great govenment gave me. i worked too hard to get insulted by you too. i am not a indian, i am of german ancestry and i was proudly born in florida. thank you for what kind words you had and i convinced myself to it."

Well I don't really mean to offend, but it is hard for me to read your posts. I do not have perfect grammar by any means, but I try. Things like run reports are going to be hard to do and your probably going to catch some hell for it. I wish you the best of luck if you decide to do it and look forward to further posts.
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What do EMS and the Mafia, a.k.a La Costra Nostra have in common?

Answer: 'Just when I think I'm out, they pull me back in.' (from one of the "Godfather" movies).

This means once EMS gets in your blood you're hooked for life. Period.

I speak from experience.
thank you, i like your terran empire symbol. i think its already getting into my blood.
i am a english speaker by birth, and i made a mistake and did not catch it, i worked too hard all my life to throw off the label the oohh so great govenment gave me. i worked too hard to get insulted by you too. i am not a indian, i am of german ancestry and i was proudly born in florida. thank you for what kind words you had and i convinced myself to it.

It wasn't an insult but an observation about your syntax. Your grammar and your ability to communicate is going to be very important in an EMS career. You will need to summarize your patient care, in writing so a Doc or the Billing department will know what you saw, what you did and why. I would suggest taking a couple of English classes. It will help you tremendously.
I do not intend it as an insult but I also thought English was not your primary language. But, if you are just starting college it is safe to assume you are very young and Grammer hasn't been part of your educational process up to this point. You have time to learn!

I guess my only comment would be that if you need to be "convinced" to enter the field I would say don't even consider it. Your reasons for seeking a career in EMS should come from inside you not from anything said here on the forum.
First welcome to the site! .. Not to be rude, but do spell check, I am sure your messages are informative; just hard to interpert.

Spell Check Huh, Despite the fact that you may be very intelligent in this field and be respected by most, perhaps you might get of your horse about spelling and insist on doing the same yourself.
strange thing is i am taking advance english classes. i am not good with writeing but my oral skills are good enough and i will make it a point to don't have to be so....disgustingly rude about it.
No one is trying to put you down. Verbal and written skills are very,very important in this profession.
This is called constructive criticism, you are to learn from it, not take it personally!
First welcome to the site! .. Not to be rude, but do spell check, I am sure your messages are informative; just hard to interpert.

Spell Check Huh, Despite the fact that you may be very intelligent in this field and be respected by most, perhaps you might get of your horse about spelling and insist on doing the same yourself.

Wow! You make a grand entrance here. Never said I didn't make mistakes and yes it was spelled check (where the mistake was probably made). I suggest you might read the multiple posts that has been posted on this topic before jumping feet first into doo-doo (not sure if that is the correct spelling), but I think you can understand the jest.

The point being if you want to be in this profession and business at least be able to demonstrate basic language and writing skills. If I cannot read the posts or decipher what is being said, I can assure you that no EMS program should allow an entrance. As well, no employer should hire them for potential documentation problems.

No one was "putting down" anyone, but if one thinks this is rude they will not make it in the profession. There is much more "suggestion" that will be made and be more direct.

R/r 911
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