Hey guys im new here, been on a volly dept. for a little while now and taking my emt-b next year in college. Any way I need some help, since I am the new guy I was put in charge of organizing getting the squad new t-shirts. I need help with a design, anyone have any pics of what their squad shirts look like. I know most of you guys probaly wear like button downs but being a volly service a simple t-shirt will do to throw on. Any help or any suggestions would be a great help. Thanks a lot!
dont listen to those telling you to ditch the tee shirts i understand that us volunteers NEVER have time to get a uniform on. so if we have teeshirts we can wear all day we can respond from wherever we are and cut down on response time.
think about it your at a store in town and your pager goes off.....now what. go home and get in uniform ?? dont think so.
try this on :
for regular EMT members - front left breast will have you squads logo
- back will have EMT in large RAID style letters
for EMT cadets -front left breast will have squads logo with cadet
lettered under it (make these shirts a diff color)
- back will have EMT in larger RAID style letters
officers - front left breast with squad logo and LT. CAPT.
President, ect...under it these shirts same color
as regular EMT shirts
- back same as EMT shirts
STAY AWAY from black it bites in the summer.
REGULAR members & Officers - White or gray with BLUE lettering
cadets - blue with white or black lettering......