Dunno if it's specific to the exact make of the gurney, but on the strykers here, there's only a couple of things to remember, as Linuss already touched on.
Step 1. Push the red and/or black handle forward. This will release the latch that is holding the gurney in place. Using the top handle, pull the gurney out towards you. For heavy patients, have your partner and/or FFs help. Be ready, as much of the weight of the patient will transfer to you at this point.
Step 2. As you pull the gurney out, hold the red handle by your right hand. the wheels will automatically drop to the ground.
Step 3. If they come flat to the ground, have your partner swing the bar in the back up to clear the safety catch, and you're off.
Step 3a. More often than not, the wheels won't land perfectly. In this case, hold the red button with the plus on it until the wheels are flat on the ground. Then move on to step 3.
When putting it in, its best to have it at the highest level or near highest level.
Step 1. Push the front wheels in until they're flat on the ambulance floor.
Step 2. Lift the back up (Team lift may be necessary for heavy patients) always use the bottom bar when lifting the gurney up (Bottom's up). I know the bar above it is only about two inches higher, but when you're lifting a 300+ pound patient, it really does make a difference. Just a good habit to get into.
Step 3. Push the gurney in until one wheel is in each groove of the W-Shaped wheel holder.
Step 4. Swing the back end (the end you're still holding onto) over until it clips into the bar thing on the side. This bar is only released back when the bar on the gurney hits a little button on the inside of the latch. If the latch doesn't lock, you can either try to swing it in again (usually works if you use a little more force) or you can try to bring the gurney back towards you just a bit, which essentially makes the bar on the gurney rub against the bar on the latch and usually hits the little button. If all else fails, EMT shears or a pen can be used to hit the little button manually.
Couple of basic tips:
Plus means up, Minus means down.
Haven't ever tried pulling the red handle while it was raised up and the wheels were on the ground. However, I probably wouldn't suggest it.
The batteries have a "Memory" as some of the guys (and gals) put it. When changing batteries, it's easiest to do it while the gurney is on the ground, and do it at the LOWEST LEVEL. If you change batteries while the stretcher is raised, you are creating a bad situation for yourself. It can be fixed, but it's an annoying little quirk of the gurneys that is best avoided.
Do NOT release the safety catch (bar), nor let anyone else release the safety catch, before the stretcher is firmly planted on the ground. It looks funny, but it IS there for a reason. Not fun to learn the hard way.
If I'm leaving anything out guys; tips, tricks, or steps, feel free to add on to this. I'm just going off of my limited experience here, but my limited experience is enough to help out someone with no experience.
Hope this helps.