NC EMS jobs for out of state medics


Forum Ride Along

I'm a paramedic in Virginia looking to relocate to North Carolina. I've searched these forums and found some great information, but I have a few questions left unanswered that hopefully some NC EMS folks can help me out with.

I've noticed most agencies list "NC State certification" and "NC state drivers license" as minimum requirements, but half of the HR people I've talked to said they only hire people with current NC certs and the other half says they'll hire out of state with the understanding that you obtain a NC cert. I've already applied to Charlotte and NHREMS, but I'm still looking for agencies that are open to hiring out of state. Any suggestions?

Also, the other thing I'm looking for might get me lectured a bit. I know this is EMS and we all just deal with working jacked up schedules, but since I'm starting a family it would be a huge improvement in my quality of life if I could be somewhere where I don't have to work nights. I know, most people say "me too brother, let me know if you find somewhere", but NHREMS advertised day work and some folks I spoke to in Charlotte said that would be doable, so I'm hoping there are other agencies out there with a similar setup.

Thanks for any help, job hunting in another state can be a daunting task :)

Carlos Danger

Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Look into MedCenter Air in Charlotte. They used to mainly do CCT's but now they have a busy ground division that does lots of BLS and ALS transports.

I've been away for a few years now but I'd be surprised if they don't still do 3-12's, which would mean you could still do 911 somewhere else a day or two a week, and I'd also be surprised if it took too long to get on days, if not immediately.

Even if you don't love doing IFT's, it might be a good place to get your foot into the door in NC EMS and rub elbows with a bunch of CCT and HEMS folks while you look for something you like better.


Forum Ride Along
Excellent advice, thank you. I hadn't looked much into med transport but that does seem like a good way to get a foot in the door. Thanks again


Forum Probie
Look into MedCenter Air in Charlotte. They used to mainly do CCT's but now they have a busy ground division that does lots of BLS and ALS transports.

I've been away for a few years now but I'd be surprised if they don't still do 3-12's, which would mean you could still do 911 somewhere else a day or two a week, and I'd also be surprised if it took too long to get on days, if not immediately.

Even if you don't love doing IFT's, it might be a good place to get your foot into the door in NC EMS and rub elbows with a bunch of CCT and HEMS folks while you look for something you like better.

MedCenter Air's ground division still only does IFT. We are the sole Agency for scene calls in CLT.