My service may be going fire in September.


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Tonight at my service's staff meeting we were told that we may be going under the FD. It appears the town administration is wanting this to happen. The fire dept is opposed to this merger as they don't not want learn anything involving EMS. We in the service are also opposed to this merger. Even though both the fire dept and ambulance service are opposed to the merger it may still happen is town council and town administration say yes.
Neither service wants it and it will still happen... retarded beyond belief.
And seconded.

Although maybe they could work it out where you guys just share a house? EMS is still done by EMT-Bs and Medics and putting the wet stuff on the hot stuff is the responsibility of the other guys.

I guess I could see them doing that to consolidate resources.
Actually a lot of volunteer operations I am familiar with operate precisely that way because you get a 75/15/10 split between people who want to run fire only, both and EMS only. However, the problem with that is that 25% of the staff winds up doing what amounts to statistically >75% of the work in most jurisdictions....
My condolences. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts...

Tonight at my service's staff meeting we were told that we may be going under the FD. It appears the town administration is wanting this to happen. The fire dept is opposed to this merger as they don't not want learn anything involving EMS. We in the service are also opposed to this merger. Even though both the fire dept and ambulance service are opposed to the merger it may still happen is town council and town administration say yes.

Who knows what lurks in the minds of elected officials. Both agencies do not want it but the administration does.
sound to me like your colleagues and local FD are about to become political activists!

...that is...assuming you dont want this to happen. :P

work with the FD to start a public awareness campaign! :D
I hate that they do this. I mean, sure, on paper, it makes budgetary sense. Fire is doing less and less thanks to better building materials, sprinkler systems, safety equipment and other factors like safer appliances. There just aren't that many fires these days.

Meanwhile, EMS keeps getting more and more expensive. Not only does our equipment cost a bundle thanks to the health care industry's self inflated prices, but as the baby boomers get older and older we are going to be busier and busier. We are just going to take up more money.

Now, you can't eliminate FD, because although there aren't many fires these days, you want them on hand when there IS. And since they aren't doing anything besides training and eating in between fires, you might as well have them handle EMS, right? That makes sense!

Except how it works. With separate systems, you said a two man team to a typical medical call, four to six if it's a code. They handle the call, transport to the hospital, and return to the station for the next call. With a combined system, FD dispatches an ambulance, and an engine. That's six guys on the engine, four of which don't even get out of the truck at the call, and of course the two in the ambulance. They help grandma after she stubs her toe, and everyone goes home happy.

Problem is, while that engine was out, a fire call came in they weren't able to take because grandma stubbed her toe. A neighboring station had to take the call. Now the chief can argue to the city council that they obviously need another engine and two more night/day crews to run it, since their call volume is exceeding the their current staffing. NOW the city has to buy another half million dollar truck, pay for six more persons per night, and they STILL send out the same dang ambulance to handle grandma and her dang stubbed toe.

And the kicker is that I know very few firefighters who want to be EMS. They got into it because they wanted to fight fires, not deal with medical situations. Usually the people who get into the ambulance are the ones who wanted to be medics and hand to join the FD to do so, and just want to ride the truck anyway.

It's an idiotic system in the long term. But that's the problem, politicians don't think long term. They think in short term, so they can look good and move up in the ranks. If they can make the budget look pretty this year, it doesn't matter if it's in the red next year, because if everything goes right they'll have ascended to a higher office by then.

/just had to vent
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The City I live in has Fire and EMS in the same buildings but they are completely separate, they just share the same house and work through the same dispatch and radio channel... The city laid off 42 Fire fighters a few months ago due to budget cuts and it had no effect on EMS ( well a lil on hiring because if a FF that was laid of had a medic he had first dibs on a EMS job if it opens) oh and they laid of some 40 police too.
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The City I live in has Fire and EMS in the same buildings but they are completely separate, they just share the same house and work through the same dispatch and radio channel... The city laid off 42 Fire fighters a few months ago due to budget cuts and it had no effect on EMS ( well a lil on hiring because if a FF that was laid of had a medic he had first dibs on a EMS job if it opens) oh and they laid of some 40 police too.

That's pretty much how our's works too, though two stations have their own independent stations because, well, they are rich and can afford it.
The City I live in has Fire and EMS in the same buildings but they are completely separate, they just share the same house and work through the same dispatch and radio channel... The city laid off 42 Fire fighters a few months ago due to budget cuts and it had no effect on EMS ( well a lil on hiring because if a FF that was laid of had a medic he had first dibs on a EMS job if it opens) oh and they laid of some 40 police too.

I received some good news about the merger. I talked to our mayor and he said the merger is not I repeat not going to happen. EMS and FD are to remain separate departments. Everyone is pleased.
I received some good news about the merger. I talked to our mayor and he said the merger is not I repeat not going to happen. EMS and FD are to remain separate departments. Everyone is pleased.

Good deal. I'm a firemedic by choice, and I feel that fire based EMS shouldn't be force fed to anyone, especially if it requires EMs to crosstrain suppression.

I'm not sure how the law works in Canada, but I was going to ask if your EMS and fire organizations had unions. I'm a union man all the way.
Good deal. I'm a firemedic by choice, and I feel that fire based EMS shouldn't be force fed to anyone, especially if it requires EMs to crosstrain suppression.

I'm not sure how the law works in Canada, but I was going to ask if your EMS and fire organizations had unions. I'm a union man all the way.

If we were paid full time we would be unionized. Since we are a volly paid on call service we are not unionized.