I don't care how many codes you have worked, how long you've been in Emergency Medicine or what your pedigree is. This is the most callous insensitive load of smoke I have ever heard from anyone in health care. In the absence of a DNR, regardless of the present response to therapy, you work them til the end with your full attention and ability PERIOD. You do not lose your focus and you darn sure dont relax.
I wonder how many lawsuits and review boards you would face if the families of your patients ever came to hear you refer to their loved ones as a waste of time...
Save the jokes until after the pt is declared or the shift is over.
Obviously, you are not a professional provider and rather still in the embryo of EMS and medicine. You still think and believe what you see on t.v. as being actual and real. Get over yourself and your self righteousness of what you think medicine is like and than what it truly is. Not all of us get excited and teary eyed every time there is a sick person. The reason is because it is my job, a job that I do take extremely serious and do extremely well with great results and damned fine care.. Remember, take your job serious not yourself..
A monkey can perform a code. It is an obviously a cookbook steps. Obviously you do not even understand litigation...your patients cannot get any worse.. their dead!
P-l-e-a-s-e get a taste of reality. Do you really think that there is not practical jokes performed during surgeries on a daily basis or their not listening to rock music during a heart transplant? ... Geez. get over yourself. Your naivety is grossly obvious.
You are in a world of trouble if you think everything is dealt with seriousness. As well, you will be a short timer not realizing your own limitations and how to deal with them. Either you will learn this is the "normal" reaction of most or not be able to "deal" with the day to day workings. I have seen many not "deal" with the work and attempt to be serious all the time, they don't last long either in the profession or in life.
It is called "black humor or gallow humor" as well. It is well documented as a stress relief by the American Psychological Association as a coping mechanism for those in EMS and those that perform in stressful environments. We find things funny most do not. The reason there is few litigation's is because attorneys/judges understand and have it too. Don't believe me, just go into a judges chambers and hear the jokes being made. As well, humor may be called inappropriate to some but is NOT negligible. Where you may see it as tasteless, I see being over sympathetic to patient as disgustingly if one loose their objectivity. There is a BIG difference of being empathetic and sympathetic. Please leave the sadness and tears to the family and allow me to do what I am supposed to do.. take care of patients. Life does go on.
I highly suggest to see and listen to Steve Berry's lecture of humor in EMS. Yet again, I doubt that you would understand.
In regards to the Res-Q-Pod. The metro EMS near me have been using them for about 3 years. It started with big results and was the new next thing.. problem is now the numbers have changed and really do not see any evidence of outcome changes.
Personally, these have been out long enough, we should had seen some major difference in numbers and at >$100 a unit an expensive toy. Again, arguably if one can really increase ATP per ventilation.
I believe we will see it go to the waste side as a nice idea in theory but did not work out.
R/r 911