Mutual respect


Forum Asst. Chief
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During my time visiting this forum, I have noticed a decline in the politeness by some of the regulars towards others. Despite the posted forum rules, some seem to think they are above these rules, and that they do not apply.

A person posting here may offend you in some such way, but this is no reason to resort to name calling, or other abuses to ones character.

Not only is name calling mean, it is a contradiction to what EMS is all about. We are in the people business. As an EMS provider, we are held to a higher standard (despite the abysmal pay), people put their trust in our hands, we must respect this trust; what would they think if they saw us acting in a crass way towards another?

Not only does calling someone a moron, idiot, or retard make the name caller sound insensitive, it reflects badly on this forum and EMS as a whole.

I have seen much discussion on this forum about EMS education, such as chemistry, biology, and physiology, perhaps an additional course would be to add manners 101.

Let's not forget the golden rule...
Sandog I appreciate your position I really do. But when do you say enough is enough. How long must you listen to someone degrading what we do for a living, make post that mean nothing, or jump in a conversation without any knowledge and swear he/she is right? This forum is supposed to be about learning, sharing and general discussions between EMS personnel. It shouldn't be about wondering why my phone doesn't work or "Hey I know of a job opening but I won't tell you where". This is why people get upset.
Yes mommy :rolleyes:

Seriously. Where do you even think it's your place to reprimand and criticize people?

If someone can't handle being called stupid on a forum then I seriously worry about them out there on their own where patients will call them much much worse.

This forum is considerably nicer than the other options.

The person in question is purpousefully starting inflammatory threads and telling us who should and shouldn't be in EMS while he works a volly job that if I remember correctly when he got it, he hated. Enough is enough. He needs to stop trolling or just go. People who love this forum and love the level of conversation it brings are tired of the freaking troll.
I don't think anyone has been impolite without cause. Once a certain point is reached sugarcoating and mollycoddling is futile and a more direct approach is needed. There is a big difference between a dose of reality and people being malicious. This forum has a lot of the former and very very little of the latter.
Had a patient call me a C**t scab eater the other day thought that was pretty imaginative and creative.
Five is four. but I agree with OP

I'm as guilty as the next person when it comes to venting...welll, maybe more guilty, but anyway, ad hominem attacks and spending three pages lining up to figuratively kick someone in the shins is not classy, it's a sign of adolesence or personal feeling of impotence.

Frankly, the field and its practiitoners need an occasional needle, and especially semi armchair ones like myself.

Address the issues and the facts, not the person. If they are disruptive jerks, complain to the webmeisters. Keyboark Kourage and cyberbullying are not part of our culture here, right?

I made a suggestion half in jest before to use software to delete the words "you", "your", and "yours". Stick to "I".

Excuse me, but I have to go back to bashing newbies and people who like to discuss, er, "dishwashers".
I'm as guilty as the next person when it comes to venting...welll, maybe more guilty, but anyway, ad hominem attacks and spending three pages lining up to figuratively kick someone in the shins is not classy, it's a sign of adolesence or personal feeling of impotence.

Frankly, the field and its practiitoners need an occasional needle, and especially semi armchair ones like myself.

Address the issues and the facts, not the person. If they are disruptive jerks, complain to the webmeisters. Keyboark Kourage and cyberbullying are not part of our culture here, right?

I made a suggestion half in jest before to use software to delete the words "you", "your", and "yours". Stick to "I".

Excuse me, but I have to go back to bashing newbies and people who like to discuss, er, "dishwashers".

YOU in MY opinion are the worst offender, in the short while I have been on this site I always see YOU in a number of posts putting people down, making yourself seem "better than the rest" YOU feel the need to belittle someone based on thier level of skill. YOU are never respectful then when someone calls YOU on it, YOUR quick to play the "I'm not the bad guy" speel. Frankly put.... bi!tch PLEASE!!!
Point one: Just because we're in EMS doesn't mean we have to be nice to any/everyone. Patient, patients family, random people on the internet, or the person in the minivan on the drive home.

My job to to look after someones health, not to be their friend. If I have to be rude/crude/blunt/straight-forward to get my job done, I have no issues doing it, and have done it, and will do it again. Clearly I'd prefer not to, but I''ll do what I have to do.

Respect =/= nice.

Point two: I feel this thread being closed fairly quickly...
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Blessed187, I apologize once again. (see "Announcements" section)

I tend not to continue on my rants because I realize I've gone a little over the line, and then backpedal. I do get a little full of myself, but it is not my intent to make this place unpleasant for other members. Thanks for the feedback, I respect your taking responsibility for your opinion.

If you want to further continue this discussion of my conduct, I'd prefer that you please use PM or email or visitor messages.

PS: Also, sometimes wry humorB) can be misinterpreted as sarcasm:glare:
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Heh.. I'm probably one of the people on the list too. However a few points to consider. First, people need to be called out for stupid or ignorant decisions. We've all made stupid decisions and just because a decision was stupid doesn't necessarily mean the person is or isn't stupid.

Second, even I have my limits. I'm normally willing to feed trolls for a short while because the starting position is often one that people actually have, and generally has some worth in discussing. My limit is often much further than other people. I have my limits though and know that limits a lot further than other people. Hence when I snap, I generally snap harder.
No, not ewar. I oened at least one thread about this issue myself, too.

It can be hard to remember that one man's irritant is another's closely held belief, and that the primary reaosn we come here is to have some fun. And learn stuff, and make connections too.
Its nice to play nice, but when someone refuses to listen sometimes you have to slap the sense into them; or at the very least enough that they shut up.
It can be hard to remember that one man's irritant is another's closely held belief, and that the primary reaosn we come here is to have some fun. And learn stuff, and make connections too.

Now come on we shouldn't be circulating photos of what Usafmedic45 does at home.

I must agree though the resemblance is striking. :D
I'm just thankful people don't usually yell at me for typos and font

Actually, someone didn't like my font becuase it was illegible on their handheld device, and another voiced their displeasure with my starting my posts in the title bar. But it's all good.
I hate that you use your post titles as part of your post, but I can't believe people would actually complain about that...
I don't usually chime in on these posts, but, I think for once I will.
Respect is earned first off, but, at the same time there is a basic level of human decency.

I don't like some of the attitudes on this board, but sometimes, despite personal feelings people make good points. If someone is ignorant, or did something bad for the patient/partner/themselves, then they should be made aware that the decision was stupid, but politely.

However, condescending isn't an appropriate response to newbies, everyone, even the poster started somewhere, and had people answer their dumb questions, so why not pay that forward. I know that as a newbie, I appreciate any help that I can get. I've seen at least two posts of medics posting about basic's lack of motivation to learn, but if everytime you asked a question, someone called you a newb or put you down for the lack of knowledge, then how willing would you be to ask another more intelligent question? Without a foundation (read stupid questions) one can't have the ability to build anything greater.

On the topic of trolls, there is a difference in answering the question, of which someone might have a similar opinion, belief, or question, and feeding the troll. Telling the troll to grow up etc., doesn't work, however intelligent responses without emotional involvement will either encourage more intelligent posts, or less intelligent posts, giving admin the right to block him/her, or them becoming a contributing member instead of a troll.

Is there many nicer forums of similar topics? Not that i have found, but why only be the best of a mediocre bunch? Why not as a board rise above the internet expectations and continue building something great? This is already a great place for knowledge, questions, and debate, yet at the same time, there is a minor subculture of superiorism which is wrong.

Finally, I disagree with calling anyone out publicly, it seems rude to me personally. However, I would like to give a shoutout to USAFMedic, because despite my newness, he has from the beginning encouraged me to ask questions, and set me straight on misconceptions. He may have been blunt in some of his responses, but he was never outright rude, and even made sure I didn't take offense to something that could have sounded extremely rude. Because of this, I am willing to go back to him and ask questions, some of which most EMT's wouldn't ask. If everyone worked on the same principal, I think the board would be quite surprised with the desire for knowledge and amounts of intelligent questions the "newbies" have to ask.

Just my humble opinion, you may believe differently, that is your right.
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