Mutual respect

Room to be human

People come here, sometimes, and get sloppy.

If they come out of the chute and make a bad first impression (for whatever reason, facts, attitude, know-it-allness, etc.) they will usually get busted by someone and, yes, often not all that gently!

But what they do then makes all the difference. If they listen and adapt, well then, points for them! If they don't, continue to resist, or get belligerent, then a CL usually steps in and sets limits and boundaries.

I've been guilty of being less than civil, getting busted and then -- and here's where all the difference lies -- been forced to eat humble pie and apologize. Good on the person that busted me!

The people who hold on to their petty BS generally are self-limiting and fade away. This site, for the most part, holds people who have a true interest in EMS and their place in it.

I see a lot of people being human. Sometimes I have to step in and squash a volatile situation, but usually, if I wait just a little while people here tend to work out a lot of stuff respectfully with each other before that happens. Even if the offenses continue, there are many voices that chime in for civility.

We (CL's) enforce the politeness rule and that is all about respect, but it, thankfully, is not all we have to do around here.
During my time visiting this forum, I have noticed a decline in the politeness by some of the regulars towards others. Despite the posted forum rules, some seem to think they are above these rules, and that they do not apply.

Doesn't this imply that people were polite at some point? =D

That's the way this forum is. Learn to just ignore it.
i called someone sanctimonious on here and was given a warning by the mods....

another (skiing) forum i frequent the common greeting (insert comment here) (or post pics of your mom/etc)...

different places, different levels of decorum, indeed! B)
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Why waste time with petty obsessions with their fragile hearts still beat with the blood of commoners?

I too have a feeling this thread will end up closed.
An internet forum, like EMTLife, is a constantly evolving community. We have community expectations, and do our best to enforce them.

The issue is that we all long for "the good 'ole days," whether it's EMTLife or reality. While we continue to have member conflict and issue reminders, warnings, and infractions, I honestly believe that overall the community is in a good place.

It's up to individual members to uphold the integrity of the community and profession. On that same note, it's up to individual members to report violations of our community rules.

As a member of countless forums, I believe that we are one of the most civilized and welcoming forums on the internet. With your help and contributions we'll continue to grow as a supportive community.
As a member of countless forums, I believe that we are one of the most civilized and welcoming forums on the internet. With your help and contributions we'll continue to grow as a supportive community.

Well, of course... but that's true when comparing any forum to 4chan...