Must have Iphone apps for EMS

WOW I'm so glad you found that useful!! I wrote it. It was my VERY first attempt at writing anything for the iPhone (painful learning process for me). I've written a few others too but they're all basically the same (logging stuff and emailing the log)

I'm trying to finish a "shift check logger" that lets you inventory all the items on a vehicle (by bag, shelf, cabinet, etc) and email the results. I think that will be useful.

My most popular app by far is the DOT Emergency Response Guidebook.

I'm always interested in ideas, suggestions, bug reports etc so feel free to contact me!

Gary Huntress
Swansea Ambulance Association
Swansea MA
i bought the $ version and i can't switch the buttons out to mark drugs rather, than just hitting "drug" how do i edit this function?
A code logger would be fantastic but I dont' think I'd want to handle my phone during the middle of that. On some ePCR software I think they have something similar.

My pinky finger usually stays pretty clear during a code :rolleyes:
My pinky finger usually stays pretty clear during a code :rolleyes:

What happens when your phone decides to go to sleep before you can just tap the screen :P
What happens when your phone decides to go to sleep before you can just tap the screen :P

My primary intervention for that scenario would be t-PA (two-pinky approach). Use one to hold the bottom of the iPOD, the other to press the button to turn the screen back on. It has a pretty high mortality rate secondary to internal hemorrhage resulting from device slippage/high velocity floor contact, but the benefits often outweigh the risks B)
I have mediequations, Medcalc, MedSpanish, PEPID, Epocrates, Eponyms. ACC Guidelines, Fire Shifts (for 24 hour calendars)and of the whaker in me Sirens/alarms.
R/r 911

Ok, I'm not familiar with any of the above named apps, however, I do admit that I'm currently looking for a mediequations type application for the blackberry pearl. I'm looking for an application that'll help me do the (simple?) things like convert lbs to kg, calculate dosages for drugs and drip rates and stuff like that. That kinda sounds like it might be mediequations, is that correct and if so, is there a blackberry pearl version?
I've found the Medical Spanish to be very helpful. We have a large migrant worker population in my area. My partner and I both have that app, plus the EMS Logger, Skyscape, and Scheduler. We have a 12 day schedule so none of the other fire/ems shift apps work for us.
I have one called EMS Meds (has a picture of some pills with the star of life next to them). It is pretty good and accurate, although it is missing a few drugs, such as amiodarone. But has all the needed info, MOA, indications, contraindications, etc.
The Medscape app is free and has great drug information in it. It has way more drugs than necessary for an EMS provider, however I highly doubt that any drug you need to know about would be missing and it's easy to find the drug you need. However, I'm still taking my EMT-B class so I can't vouch for its convenience in the middle of the run. Anyone else use Medscape? I'm familiar with it from working in a hospital pharmacy.
I just bought an iTouch. I have a few of the recommended apps from this thread, looking for more though.
I just came accross these forums on a google search for iphone ems apps. good thing going here.

i just downloaded a useful app for the patient having contractions/labor. its a logger for contraction lenth/interval. I recently had a patient that was contracting and it was hard keeping track along with patient care, etc, on the back of bumpy ambulance ride. this app definately wouldve helped.

Contraction Lite
Cardiac Arrest log

I am working on a cardiac arrest log now. The first version will just give you a big clock and keep track of all your drugs, color coded for easier reference as your bouncing down the road
Most of the apps I am buying are going on my iPad. I am two years off from Paramedic, but I plan on carrying the iPad as a work machine. Medspanish is great, and currently, as a student, I use several anatomy apps for study and practice testing. In a couple of years, I am sure iPhone/iPad EMS apps will become much more sophisticated.
at least where I'm from, dispatch doesnt want to be bothered with giving every truck its times for every call. We are expected to keep track of it ourselves.

I'm a dispatcher and it doesn't bother me at all. We are police/fire/ems dispatchers...personally I hate working with the cops, but fire/ems guys get full attention. lol
Ha! I must say, I have a good portion of those apps, and they are all good. But the best ones are things like NFL 2011, Brothers in Arms 2, Angry Birds and things like that that keep you sane on a slow day. Hehehe!:P
My medical apps

Epocrates*, Medscape*, InstantECG, HazRef 2008, WebMD, Eponyms, MedicalCalc, MedAbbr, NEJM App, MedPage, iRadiology, Radiology 2.0

*darn good apps too!
Anything good as far as scheduling? The ones I have been looking at are mostly fire based.
Anything good as far as scheduling? The ones I have been looking at are mostly fire based.

I use the google calendar. Real versatile in setting up specific repeat events (shifts)