Most common calls/jobs in your City/Area


Forum Asst. Chief
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I know many of us go to the same kinds of calls, but i'm curious to see how much it varies between countries, cities and regional areas.

I work in the 3rd largest City of Australia with a population of a few million spread of a large area. By far our most common calls are:

Chest Pain
Shortness of breath/DIB (Asthma/COPD/Anxiety attacks
Elderly falls/faints/syncope
Abdo pain (Gall Stones/Kidney stones/renal colic etc)
ALOC / Intoxicated

I'm sure this will be the same for most people. Just a little background for my state. Everybody pays around $120 dollars a year added to their electricity bill to fund the state-run ambulance service. Therefore unless you live out of state or country, Ambulances are free. We dont have BLS as such, we have Paramedics (ALS) and student paramedics working together, and also intensive care paramedics (ICP) that can perform extra skills such as cardiac pacing/cardioversion/ETT/IO Access, RSI, thrombolysis etc
like you said we get a huge range of calls..but here in Las Vegas i would have to say during the day-dehydration(during the summer) and elderly calls
at night-DRUNKS lol and ODs
sick jobs, intoxes, geriatric calls, cover our a** jobs.
When I last saw the stats at my college something like over 60% of our calls were ETOH.

My volly in NY was almost all MVA/Traumatic Injury

Out at my new job it seems like we get alot of falls, but that might be just because no other system I worked in got dispatched for that.
ODs, MVA, chest pain/SOA, COPD/Black Lung/Asthma, altered LOC, elderly patients falling or having other problems. We deal with a LOT of elderly people.
And most in the USA are actually callers that have no real need of an ambulance no matter what they claim. But as someone else mentioned covering your butt by using the you call we haul philosophy. So people have been educated to call and make exaggerated claims then get free transport. Yes free because odds are they will not pay.
When I work in a suburban area near a large lake:
Traffic injuries
Falls (large retiree population)
Respiratory distress
Chest pain

When I work in an urban area:
Traffic injuries
In my intern right now, but this is what i mainly get

Abdominal Pain
Lots of trauma's on the east side at night
Oh and we run at ton of "cardiac arrest" calls. You know when a person gets arrested, and immediately has a sudden onset of crushing substernal chest pain radiating through their left arm and jaw, with nausea and SOB.

We get alot of those.
I've recently started getting text messages of all EMS calls dispatched in our county. I am not listening to the dispatches to hear the additional, but there are a LOT of calls coded as unconscious. Most look like syncope or near syncope, but many are truly AMS calls.
Oh and we run at ton of "cardiac arrest" calls. You know when a person gets arrested, and immediately has a sudden onset of crushing substernal chest pain radiating through their left arm and jaw, with nausea and SOB.

We get alot of those.

Most common calls

:D:D Trauma calls, seem to like me. They call me the sh*t magnet.
In my city, they send the police before fire or ems....and the medical calls ive seen a lot of recently in my city is sexual fetish accidents, and what I mean is things get "stuck" haha
For us:
2. Difficult breathing
4. Dehydration
5. Chest Pain
6. Abd pain
8. Some sort of trauma, fell hit her head now blood is every where. or kid falls on a bike types of things
9. Accident 10-50
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In my city, they send the police before fire or ems....and the medical calls ive seen a lot of recently in my city is sexual fetish accidents, and what I mean is things get "stuck" haha

haha, i got one for you. The family size herbal shampoo bottle.. completely inside. he claims he fell in the shower and he landed on it...
x2 im the exact same.. you know it wont be a boring shift if i sit in the ambulance next to you.

i have one parter, we are like that. but if we are not working together, neither of us get anything good...