Mock Accidents


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I was curious as to how many of your depts participate in "Mock Accidents" such as The ever-famous DUI on Prom night.

For those of you unaware of what I am talking about; here is the scoop.
At some High Schools around the US; Members of EMS and local law enforcement organize a Mock Accident on the school campus. The students gather to see what is going on; and as the team extricates the teens from the
car and even pronounces some of them dead; one member comes out and explains to them abt drunk driving; and the damage it can cause. Alot of times,
these teams invite the mothers and fathers of students killed by drunk drivers to come and speak with the students abt what happened to their child; and exactly how it affects families, friends, and communities.

Here is a video of one:

In my opinion this is an excellent way to get the message across; show
them the truth, do not sugarcoat it.

What do you guys think?

There are also a string of commercials(I am not sure in what country); that show the reality
of these situations; here is one that was put on YouTube:

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good idea

I think that they're a pretty good idea. Seems that teenagers are difficult to get through to and often don't think of the consequences of their actions. (Ok, yeah, many adults are the same way)

Showing people that there are real consequences to their actions might make a few of them think twice before doing something stupid - like drinking & driving.

Yeah; we definately need something to change that "That can never happen to me." attitude.

I recommend that all EMS take part in this. Polk County had an extrication training session due; so they decided to turn it into a mock event; 2 birds
with one stone.

I am still trying to figure out which Chopper that was that came in though;
In TN we have: UT, Vandy, Erlanger, and Air Evac Lifeteam.

I'm thinking it was Air Evac Lifeteam(seeing as you can actually rent out
chopper time) rather than putting a Trauma 1's chopper on call for a fake
This was done in my town as well.

No bird though.
We had one at my high school when I was a junior (what, like 3 years ago?) It was called the Ghost Out. We had "dead" people who had died in car accidents and "prisoners" who had killed others while driving drunk. Everyone participating dressed up for the whole day, either in a Ghost Out t-shirt with face paint or in an orange prison jumpsuit and shackles. Near the end of the day, we had an assembly where the prisoners told their "stories" and the local police gave us a speech about not drinking and driving.
I think we are going to have one here next year; I was told I will get to
choose the music since I am a 50's tragedy buff. I figured:

Last Kiss
Teen Angel
Tell Laura I love Her

Simpe Plan's - How Could This Happen to Me? (Which was dedicated to MADD)
Matisse - Nomah's Land

Ladies and gentlemen let's hear a round of applause for DJ TRAUMA!
I'm thinking correct me if I'm wrong I think it might be an Iowa county called Poke. Which is around a major town here.

Check the patch on the front. It says "West Polk County Tennessee"; and they used Air Evac Lifeteam; I found out after reviewing later videos; which as you see from my previous post; I assumed it was due to the fact that they are the only Rent-outs in TN.
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oops I missed the patch. Sorry

We do have a Polk in Iowa that does use Air Evac Lifeteams So I just jumped at the conclussion.

I have seen it a number of times of using a chopper up here for training/educational type stuff. And the chopper is the main trauma chopper. They come if they can and if they don't come hey they got busy. I'll shut up now.

ah; We'll until the 5th video they never specified which chopper; so I assumed Air Evac--All of the other choppers are on call all day and night for traumas; Air Evac here rents out chopper time--so I figured that's what it was. I think I'll catch one to Orlando. ;) Just gotta hit my head a little bit harder.
disassociative said:
I think we are going to have one here next year; I was told I will get to
choose the music since I am a 50's tragedy buff. I figured:

Last Kiss
Teen Angel
Tell Laura I love Her

Simpe Plan's - How Could This Happen to Me? (Which was dedicated to MADD)
Matisse - Nomah's Land

Ladies and gentlemen let's hear a round of applause for DJ TRAUMA!

This might be a little off topic, but it sends a powerful message about seat belts. Wouldn't it be great if we could get our kids (and ourselves!) to never get into a car without buckling up? DUI's and no seatbelts probably contribute to a staggering majority of auto related youth fatalities; with summer upon us, please get the word out...

I really enjoy doing simulation projects. I've done a few of them aroud town. I'm a casualty simulation instructor on my spare time. Last one we did, we had a whole arena full, a smoke machine, two crashed cars, FD, PD and two medic crews. I'll try to find some picts to post them here.

Actually; I have a rule in my car. If you don't have your seatbelt on and adjusted properly; under no circumstance will you be riding with me.

As EMS it is our job to set an example.
dizzymedic said:
Last one we did, we had a whole arena full, a smoke machine, two crashed cars, FD, PD and two medic crews.

For the one done at our school, they brought a couple of wrecked cars, one of them which they wrapped around a tree in front of the school. Cops were swarming the building, too. It was all a very surreal experience.
We did one a couple of years ago that went pretty well. Only three people at the school knew what was going to happen, and two of them were on the department.

We staged a two-vehicle T-Bone MVA right in front of the school, then set the fire alarm off to get the students outside. Most of the students thought it was a joke until Medstar came in and took one patient. After that, all we heard was, "Is this real?". We also pissed off a bunch of teachers for not letting them in the loop beforehand, but it was the only way we could keep it a secret.
This has been done at 1 school locally for a while... my high school may have done it last year, but that was the first time.
ok i know I'm bring up a really old post but I want to do this for my senior project and if any of u guys would be willing to corespond with me and help me get started (cuz i have NO idea where to start) that would be gr8!!! thanks
I don't know what "rent-outs" are, but as a former Air Evac employee I can assure you they never "rent out" anything. You could not afford the $3000 -$6000 lift off fee. Rather Air Evac has big PR and community program to be active in these events as other programs. So if they can they will participate without of course no guarantees (dependent on flights) or at least that is the way we did it.

Personally, I believe these programs are okay but less effective as they used to be. One has to be extremely careful and have a well orchestrated program. This program would be more effective if utilized about every four years or so... kids become very used to the point and impact if performed yearly and the program has lost its impact.

Be sure to involve school staff and teachers. I would want the teachers to be pre-active instead of being pissed off, a good way to assure that the program would not be occurring again. As well to be sure to involve all agencies involved. We even included the local funeral home in ours to transport the supposed DOA's. That made more an impact than anything to see a hearse...

Good luck,
R/r 911