Met girls on the job that you liked?


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Met any hot girls on the job? Girls you went out with or eventually had a relationship with..lasting or not? Met models...etc. Crazy bit#hes or great girls. Girl stories.
Met any hot girls on the job? Girls you went out with or eventually had a relationship with..lasting or not? Met models...etc. Crazy bit#hes or great girls. Girl stories.

Dated two girls from my work. Dated a few nurses two.

None lasted. The most recent one...idk I guess you could say it's still intact but only held together by strings. I wanna find myself a sexy cop.

Oh you mean patients? No I make it a rule not to get involved with anyone I take care of no matter how hott and forward she is.
Dated two girls from my work. Dated a few nurses two.

None lasted. The most recent one...idk I guess you could say it's still intact but only held together by strings. I wanna find myself a sexy cop.

Oh you mean patients? No I make it a rule not to get involved with anyone I take care of no matter how hott and forward she is.

Pretty much this^^

I ended up married to a chef though.
Dated two girls from my work. Dated a few nurses two.

None lasted. The most recent one...idk I guess you could say it's still intact but only held together by strings. I wanna find myself a sexy cop.

Oh you mean patients? No I make it a rule not to get involved with anyone I take care of no matter how hott and forward she is.

I agree with the whole patient thing. But also with the sexy cop thing. It's hot to see a female in uniform that can take charge like that, especially when they can just pull their hair back in a pony tail and look hot that way!

Sorry I got off point, it's Robb's fault. I don't think there is any problems dating coworkers, unless it effects you working together. Dating Patients, IDK thats more of a personal decision I guess. Mine is that I wouldn't, and I am not saying someone Is bad for doing it. It's just what I think.
I agree with the whole patient thing. But also with the sexy cop thing. It's hot to see a female in uniform that can take charge like that, especially when they can just pull their hair back in a pony tail and look hot that way!

Sorry I got off point, it's Robb's fault. I don't think there is any problems dating coworkers, unless it effects you working together. Dating Patients, IDK thats more of a personal decision I guess. Mine is that I wouldn't, and I am not saying someone Is bad for doing it. It's just what I think.

Dude my old partner went to SO. Made a comment the other day about how we weren't coworkers anymore and we should go out then changed the topic.

I wonder if she's still got the pink handcuffs I gave her as a going away present...
despite my resistance, female patient insisted i call her daughter (who was present at time of call)... watched me dial her number in my phone and call her so she had mine too.... called her a few times, still do from time to time. Oh well :P
Mines now only part time and we're living together. No marriage plans.
Met one I really liked. Let's just say the Hindenburg had a better ending
Met one I really liked. Let's just say the Hindenburg had a better ending

Your relationship was worse than the death of 36 people?
Met any hot girls on the job? Girls you went out with or eventually had a relationship with..lasting or not? Met models...etc. Crazy bit#hes or great girls. Girl stories.

This is not really the sort of discussion that needs to take place in a public forum of EMS professionals. People should be conducting themselves as a professional while in the community, with coworkers, hospital employees, and other agencies. Making inappropriate comments to coworkers, patients, or their family members is entirely unacceptable for anyone that considers themselves an EMS professional.

If any of you have been friends with a female coworker you would understand that they routinely are made uncomfortable by actions and comments from coworkers. EMS being a male dominated profession shouldn't be an excuse to act like you're at the bar with your bros when at work. You do not have free reign to try and hit on people you see at work. And before anyone says anything, there is a big difference in flirting and being creepy. Don't be creepy.

My final point will be to say not to sleep with your coworkers. It happens, I know. 99% of the time things end very badly and work becomes very awkward. Your career can also take a huge nose dive. I know I will advocate against the promotions of anyone that has a reputation for "getting around" at my work. The reason being is that I assume they are not going to be able to maintain the professional barrier between supervisors/trainers and their subordinates. There is a reason why officers and enlisted may not date in the military.

Just fall back on this idiom: The company ink pot is not the place to be dipping your pen.
Dated an EMT I worked with at my first EMS job... She's now married to my ex-partner from that job. I tend to steer clear from dating from the EMTs I work with...
This is not really the sort of discussion that needs to take place in a public forum of EMS professionals. People should be conducting themselves as a professional while in the community, with coworkers, hospital employees, and other agencies. Making inappropriate comments to coworkers, patients, or their family members is entirely unacceptable for anyone that considers themselves an EMS professional.

If any of you have been friends with a female coworker you would understand that they routinely are made uncomfortable by actions and comments from coworkers. EMS being a male dominated profession shouldn't be an excuse to act like you're at the bar with your bros when at work. You do not have free reign to try and hit on people you see at work. And before anyone says anything, there is a big difference in flirting and being creepy. Don't be creepy.

My final point will be to say not to sleep with your coworkers. It happens, I know. 99% of the time things end very badly and work becomes very awkward. Your career can also take a huge nose dive. I know I will advocate against the promotions of anyone that has a reputation for "getting around" at my work. The reason being is that I assume they are not going to be able to maintain the professional barrier between supervisors/trainers and their subordinates. There is a reason why officers and enlisted may not date in the military.

Just fall back on this idiom: The company ink pot is not the place to be dipping your pen.

never dip your pen in company ink, dont sh*t where you eat... all these sayings are common for a reason. I am not saying it cant work, My preceptor met and then married my FTO and now have three kids. but as a general rule it never ends well.
Why is this absurd and unprofessional thread not closed already?
I wanna find myself a sexy cop.

I make it a rule to never date a woman who can kick my ***. I figure eventually I'm gonna piss her off badly enough that she'll want to, and I'd prefer to avoid that.