Meet.... Amber! *could not think of a better title*

Parkour... always called it Street Running... everyone take note: this 15 y/o writes with more proper grammar than most on this forum. (don't let it go to your head, kid)

Plan your high school classes to speed your college experience towards your RN degree:
AP Biology
AP Psychology
AP English
AP Spanish
AP Chemistry

Also take anatomy and physiology, sociology, speech, philosophy, and physics.

Coming out of HS with those will put you way up the ladder for an ADN or BSN admission and prereq list. If you just want to do medic, they'll put you far ahead in educational background. If you want to be a helicopter pilot, AP Calc (preferably BC) and AP Physics B (C if you can), and think US Army. AP Calc, AP Stats, AP History, AP Econ, and AP US Gov will definitely save you some time in a BS degree, I am talking saving yourself a full year of college at least if you do all of the above. Check your schools and know what scores you need for credit.

GREAT INFO! Thank you so much! ^_^

Also, why the Spanish?
everyone take note: this 15 y/o writes with more proper grammar than most on this forum. (don't let it go to your head, kid)

I thought the same thing.

What a breath of fresh air that there maybe actually hope left. Welcome Amber, dream big and never settle for just that. Your courage and tenacity is displayed in your posts, we wish you the best of success!
Keep studying hard, you will make it!

R/r 911
GREAT INFO! Thank you so much! ^_^

Also, why the Spanish?

I forgot, please take this advice. AP classes!

AP Biology and AP Chemistry, and if your high school offers it, AP or Honors Anatomy and Physiology.

AP English, math, and history are good ideas too because you will be ahead of the game. Above all, enjoy high school and college and do not forget about being a kid.
GREAT INFO! Thank you so much! ^_^

Also, why the Spanish?

Well, I was born and raised in San Antonio. I speak Texan. You speak Texan. Your patients will hablan espanol. I am in Colorado now. My patients hablan espanol. All around the nation, patients hablan espanol. Learning Spanish will help you get jobs in health care, it will help you provide better care, and it will help you in life.

The point of those AP course and other course recommendations is that taking them will make you a more attractive candidate who is better educated in the background needed for your desired field. Other AP courses will fulfill general education requirements for degrees. Why take a course twice if you have the intelligence and dedication to take it once? It's cheaper to take it in highschool and it saves you time. Save 1.5 years of college with a ton of AP credit, well that makes you an attractive candidate and you get to use 1.5 years and saved tuition to travel or work or go to paramedic school.
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GREAT INFO! Thank you so much! ^_^

Also, why the Spanish?

Because it's an elective that can help out greatly with vast and increasing Latino/Hispanic non-English speaking population.
I have never taken any Spanish on terms of schooling.

Although I have spent the last year on my own terms teaching Spanish to myself.
I can hold a conversation in Spanish without much trouble.

It also annoyed me that girls in walmart or places like that gossip in Spanish about people around them so no one understands them. Little do THEY know. ^_^ I have had a few girls talking me, and I sometimes reply in Spanish.
Parkour... always called it Street Running... everyone take note: this 15 y/o writes with more proper grammar than most on this forum. (don't let it go to your head, kid)

Plan your high school classes to speed your college experience towards your RN degree:
AP Biology
AP Psychology
AP English
AP Spanish
AP Chemistry

Also take anatomy and physiology, sociology, speech, philosophy, and physics.

Coming out of HS with those will put you way up the ladder for an ADN or BSN admission and prereq list. If you just want to do medic, they'll put you far ahead in educational background. If you want to be a helicopter pilot, AP Calc (preferably BC) and AP Physics B (C if you can), and think US Army. AP Calc, AP Stats, AP History, AP Econ, and AP US Gov will definitely save you some time in a BS degree, I am talking saving yourself a full year of college at least if you do all of the above. Check your schools and know what scores you need for credit.

As someone who has taken most of those classes, I strongly recommend taking them to challenge you, but those important science classes do not come close to what is being taught at a university. I applied mine for credit, but took biology and chemistry over. The other not as important (English, Spanish etc.) are very helpful to fulfill core classes though.

When you go to college, look for EMT classes and on-campus EMS groups. They are all the rage now, and will help you achieve your end goal.

I'm only 18, and took my EMT class at 16. So you aren't the only one out there; at 15 I was looking at all the same stuff.
Best of luck!

Edit: Most liberal arts colleges (including BSN degrees) require a language proficiency. So start early. It is really helpful in the field. More than once in the past two weeks I have felt like an idiot, because I screwed up my spanish in the hospital.
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In Texas, you have to be 18 and have a diploma or GED to be an EMT of any level.

Now, to take the class, that depends on the school, but little to know point in taking it if you're more then a few months away from being 18.
Thanks for the info Linuss, I have been curious about that for a while now.
How young can you be to take your ems class? *curious*
Sorry forgot to explain that some states allow it at 16 especially in the northeast. However I am not really sure if it does any good to take it before 18. On the contrary, it probably causes more harm.

As Linuss said its 18 by the end of the class in Texas.
Are there any small "collage" type schools that teach one main thing, like a specialty school?
Are there any small "collage" type schools that teach one main thing, like a specialty school?

Yes there are certificate only short courses but if you really want to fly a degree program will help you get there. As young as you are you could start taking many of the courses related to the degree while still in high school, some high schools will even give you credit for the college level courses. The short certificate courses while some are good they could limit your choices of employment. So get a degree and then if you want to change professions later in life you will have more options.