Want to know why there are going to be an end to flight services?
Hmm let's review:
Possible danger of flight crew... yes, every time their in the the bird it is dangerous!..Remember, landing is a controlled crash. Trust, me I have been a flight nurse/medic too long to know better.
Hmmm ... >$10,000 for a 6 minute drive. Wow! .. Figure that they really did not save anytime .. since it takes at least 2-5 minutes for start up and braking the blades.. etc.
Abuse of the system: Sorry, any Level II should had been able to stabilize even a pediatric or even neonate enough for a ground transport unit. Especially so close. I can assure you if the hospital was responsible for the bill, this process would immediately stop.
There has been research demonstrating there is no significant justification to "fly" neonate teams. Even adult trauma and medical problems is debatable to say the least unless it is in remote areas or long distance >40 minutes. More we disclose the myth of the "Golden Hour", we will see more problems of EMS helicopter services justify their existence.
Now, in about five to ten years when these air programs are no longer there, we will know why.
R/r 911