Mecklenburg County EMS


Forum Crew Member
Does anyone here work for Medic (Mecklenburg County EMS Agency)? I'm going to submit an application, but have a few questions about work environment, management, medical director, etc. If anyone here is currently a Medic employee, please message me or respond here, if you like.

Thanks a million in advance!


Forum Lieutenant
Just mailed in my application... Any up to date info on the company would be appreciated.


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
if i'm not mistaken, backblast (who started this thread) is now working for Durham County EMS, and probably no longer interested in Medic

out of curiosity, does medic hire EMTs as well, or just paramedics?

I've heard at Medic the turnover is sky high, you are treated as a number or a warm body instead of as a competent provider, and most people are there just until they get a better offer elsewhere. Again, that is just rumor, and I have no first hand knowledge about the system. can you elaborate on how it is to work there? shift length, runs per shift, working conditions, retirement benefits, potential for advancements, etc.


Forum Lieutenant
There is turn over, but its not sky high. We are far from warm bodies. We're hiring for EMT and Basics. Our hiring process is not something to take lightly. Hiring percentage of those offered an Assessment Center Day is around 8%. We can't find enough qualified employees that meet expectations. We're ranked #2 in the nation if looking at Utsetin survival, which is 55%. Last I remember Seattle is at 56%.
Working here is better than most other systems. Ive worked in OC and Riv Co in CA. And with comparing benefits and working environment with employees from the nearby counties, I say we have a very good system. Shift lengths are 10.5 hr days 8 wrk days per pay period. These are fixed days (ex. mon-th). We also have 12 hrs days at 7 days per pay period. These are based on rotating A and B shift. 3 days first week then 4 days the second. And we also have 14 hr shifts at 6 days per pay period. These are also fixed days (ex. wed - fri). We're state employees and have great retirement and health benefits. Advancements are available to: FTO, SWAT, Supervisor Medical Services etc..... We are also offered tri annual performance bonus is clinical goals are met. Annual raise is also better than the average EMS provider.


Forum Crew Member
Does Medic have P/T? The agency's I currently work for limit you to 1000 hours a year, and that's only if you can get the shifts. Good places to work but I just had four days without a shift and nothing to be had.


Forum Lieutenant
We do have part time. But the only way to get that is to go from FT to PT. I don't believe we hire straight to PT. I could be wrong, so HR would be the one to confirm this.