Massachusetts EMT's Suspension (List)

As an instructor, if I complete the cognitive and psycho-motor objectives that I have submitted to OEMS, and they have approved before the allotted class end time, I spend the rest of the time answering questions and reviewing other EMS material or subjects. Students stay in the classroom for the entire allotted time, but we may not spend the entire time on approved materials. I then know for the next time either to add material and objectives to my courses, or decrease the amount of credit approved for.

With all that said, the approval process for Con-Ed in MA is a complete and utter joke.

MI requires a minimum of 40 (might be 45) minutes out of every hour submitted be spent doing didactic/practical. Every IC signs her/his name when applying for these CE's therefore, agrees to abide by said policies. Per state regs, less than is considered an invalid CE. Do other states have a similar policy?

Secondly, no one was forced to lie about thier recerts. It is very doubtful the state suspended certs on a whim, without proper documentation to support the action. Not a single person has jumped up and proclaimed they are innocent. They've only cried not fair, not fair. Of course it's fair! Once the SAG gets his hands in the pot, there may be more than a cert suspension to worry about.

These whiners would be doing themselves a solid being like Elmer vewy, vewy quiet." The SAG could decide to hunt wabbit :>)