Making Extra Money

Our area here we have quite a few folks working for multiple agencies.
I have sat with administrators and heard them tell the people to Eran a living you may have to work multiple services.

All good points and interesting to see the way it is looked at in other areas.
Yes it does. Because in areas where there isn't 'competition' but clearly defined response areas there is still an issue of working in multiple agencies. Which agency provides the training, which agency does your ongoing CME. If you are signed off on a skill with one, does that count in the other? If you screw up on a call and are sued, who is liable? The agency you were working under at the time of the call or the agency who taught you that bonehead way of doing things?

The agency that you are working for is liable. Training has nothing to do with it. If you screw up on a call and get sued, are they going to sue the school that you went to? Are they not liable for not teaching you correctly?

It all goes by state laws, can they keep you from working another job?