MA State Police Ambulance

At a nearby University, the campus police also do the EMS. I saw some waiting in line at triage at a hospital, and they were carrying guns with them.
I haven't read ALL the responses yet, but I have to ask, what's the big deal with a State Police Ambulance? I see it happen all the time. Medivac for the State of MD is a State Police helicopter and all of their EMS providers carry guns and are police officers (I have to admit though I DO have a personal problem with an ARMED EMT in the rig). I forget his handle on here (jj152 maybe) is an EMT in MD so he can vouch for that. Oakwood, OH hires their 'public safety' employees as Paramedics one day, Police Officers the next, Firefighters on the third day and then they get a couple of days off to do it all over again. I don't see the big deal with having a State Police Ambulance.
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I haven't read ALL the responses yet, but I have to ask, what's the big deal with a State Police Ambulance?

It competes with the fire department and the fire department doesn't like to compete for funding for jobs that they shouldn't be doing either. Outside of that, it's hand waving freakoutery. I bet that the police officers don't require they're PCRs to be only check marks and spots for numbers (a la Orange County's PCRs for their fire medics).
fix this part, especially mine, and you will understand what the problem is/was.
Ok, I fixed this part. I read all the comments and to me, it sounds like a big pissing contest between OEMS and the SP. Personally, I don't care WHAT color lights are on the rig or what color the ambulance is when it comes to pick me up in my time of need, as long as it DOES come pick me up in my time of need.

Although as I said in my earlier post, I am a bit concerned about having a firearm on the rig. Not that my opinion means didley when it's for a state I'm not even living in at the moment.
well you got it. thats essentially what it was. two state agencies whipping out heir man parts and shouting "mines bigger" till one quit.
Actually, it was white with the traditional Omaha orange stripe (8"), with Blue lettering, etc. as specified by KKK spec's.

Yes, I was soooooo glad to see them relax it! Like know one would not know a truck with lights and a star of life was if it was not white/orange.

R/r 911

KKK = Klu Klux Klan???? Nah.. gotta be something else.
KKK = Klu Klux Klan???? Nah.. gotta be something else.
BossyCow - you don't know about the KKK specs? I mean, it is kinda funny that the "KKK" specs do require a "white" base color :) ...

That link is the current GSA specs from the federal government that specify what an ambulance has to have. These specs are required to be met for a federal government-owned civilian ambulance (USNA at Annapolis has at least one). If you look at the inside of your rig, usually there is a placard in the O2 tank compartment that specifies that the ambulance meets the current KKK-1822 specs and is a "Certified Star Of Life Ambulance"

Anyway... A little EMS history lesson from a whacker that wasn't even born when Johnny and Roy were on the air.

Anyway... as for armed medics. If the medics/EMTs are sworn State Police, I don't see any reason they shouldn't be armed. As for the lighting package... it is funny that the Commonwealth will get ticked off about stuff like that, when there are much bigger issues in EMS... but as you said... State Police can pretty much do what they want.

MD State Police have 8 24x7 helicopters that are dual-role EMS and Law enforcement. The pilots don't need to be sworn, but the other crew member is a sworn State Police officer who is a paramedic. All of the paramedics spend time as a regular state police officer (even if they are already a medic) before becoming a flight crew member, and of course, all are armed on duty. They preform scene flights, SOME emergent inter-facility transfers, Homeland Security patrols, and they support ground Law Enforcement when needed. They are a great asset (and they sometimes operate in the southern end of my county of PA as well).

MD State police also have a ground response vehicle, and they have tactical medics that function with their SWAT team. Their ground response vehicle is a Ford Excursion designed to allow transport of a subject on a backboard.

Anyway... If the local PD have the funds to operate EMS, I don't have any issue with it. If it means that help gets their faster, I'm all for it.

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KKK = Klu Klux Klan???? Nah.. gotta be something else.

btw, it ku klux klan. common mistake.

(this is in no way an endorsement of the organization, the beliefe or the lifestyle.)
BossyCow - you don't know about the KKK specs? I mean, it is kinda funny that the "KKK" specs do require a "white" base color :)

btw, it ku klux klan. common mistake.

(this is in no way an endorsement of the organization, the beliefe or the lifestyle.)

I knew that, it was a typo, thanks for catching it btw
Hey there fellas, I just wanted to state that im new here, and that im currently working as a basic in MA, training for my Medic upgrade. I agree with a lot of the problems people have about the SP running a bus, but that truck is one of the main reasons that I personally got into EMS. I spent most of my life working construction, thinking about going into LE to follow the family lines, but I always wanted to be more medical based. When I saw that truck, im not gonna lie, my eyes lit up, I figured there was a way to cover both. I understand why people would contest it, but I like the concept... everyone is entitled to thier opinion.

As for carrying firearms on a truck, I would have to say, in some service areas its not such a bad idea. For example, im not sure if any of the MA guys work in systems such as Worcester or Brocton, but at times that piece may come in handy. Im not looking to piss anyone off, again, just a thought.

ANYWAY... if anyone from MA is ever looking to go out and grab a brew, let me know, im always looking for cool people with similar life expieriences to hang with.

Be well all, and make sure you take care of yourself, your much appreciated.
P.S. - about 3 months ago, I saw that truck (or one of them), with the badges stripped, and obviously out of service, on the back of a flatbed on rt.290 in Worcester heading east. Im just assuming, the one that was stationed at the Brookfield SP barracks was that one, taken out of service.
welcom to the board from another mass emt. please, for the love of god, never mention emts carrying weapons on duty! that discussion has been done thousands of times and its always the same. like watching a train wreck in slow motion.

anyway welcome and good luck.
I mentioned the Westchester County hamlet PD who provides ambulance services. I found this out at my new job in Westchester County for a transport company. I saw 2 Greenburgh PD ambulances. They were manned by uniformed officers with weapons. They provide ALS service so they must be medics.