Looking for a summer A&P course in the Bay Area


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Hi All,
A bit of a Hail Mary here...I am wondering if any of you know of a college or program offering a summer Anatomy and Physiology course in the Bay Area with an in-person lab. I am scrambling after the course I thought I could take got cancelled, and any insight or tips would be greatly appreciated!
De Anza and Foothill Colleges just might have what you're looking for. Those courses aren't going to be easy to get into, they're usually in very high demand.
Have you checked out:

1. City College of San Francisco - Offers ANAT 25 (Human Anatomy) and PHYS 1 (Human Physiology) with lab components during summer session.

2. College of San Mateo - Regularly offers BIOL 250 (Human Anatomy) and BIOL 260 (Human Physiology) during summer terms

3. Skyline College - Offers BIOL 250 (Human Anatomy) with cadaver lab and BIOL 260 (Human Physiology) in summer

4. Foothill College - Offers BIOL 40A/B/C series (Human Anatomy and Physiology) in summer sessions

5. Chabot College - Offers Anatomy and Physiology courses with lab components during summer

6. Diablo Valley College - Offers BIOSC 139 (Human Anatomy) and BIOSC 140 (Human Physiology) during summer

7. UC Berkeley Extension - Sometimes offers summer Anatomy and Physiology courses with lab components

8. San Francisco State University - Offers summer sessions of BIOL 328 (Human Anatomy) and BIOL 610/611 (Human Physiology)