Longest transport


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For those of us that work IFT, what was your longest transport?
Tomorrow I'm making a transport from Houston, Tx to Little Rock, Ar.
The drive will be about 8 hrs one way.
When I worked ift I did one las cruces to Denver. About eleven hours one way.
WOW I am glad i dont do IFT, 8 and 11 hour transports, how do you guys do it? i would get bored in about half an hour
Longest one I did was from Palo Alto to Grant's Pass (California to Oregon). That made for about a 17 hour day... round-trip. Next longest was from Palo Alto to the Reno Area, along a route that the patient wanted. That ended up being about a 9 hour round trip.
Someone I work with once did a transfer from southern New York to South Carolina-about a 20 hour trip one way.
If you do a long transport like that, do they expect you to drive there and then come straight back?
I did a Charlottesville VA to Chattanooga TN. It was 13 hours. A fun ride: the patient was a 17 yo girl who was s/p CVA, completely down on the left. We watched movies and played game boy the whole time.
Longest was out of Scripps Chula Vista to a private residence in Alhambra. About three hours one way.
If you do a long transport like that, do they expect you to drive there and then come straight back?

One company I used to work for did Orange County to Las Vegas a few times a year and it was always a preplanned, dedicated crew who stayed the night in Vegas and then drove home.
Longest ALS transport was from Austin to Dallas--- about 3.5 hours one way (plus we had to drive down there to pick up the patient).

A few weeks ago I did a Dallas to Big Spring, Tx transport... 5+hours each way.
One company I used to work for did Orange County to Las Vegas a few times a year and it was always a preplanned, dedicated crew who stayed the night in Vegas and then drove home.

Dedicated, eh? haha
WOW. 11 hours? Here, an IFT takes approx. 10-15 minutes if that within city limits.
If you do a long transport like that, do they expect you to drive there and then come straight back?

Nope. On transfers like that or any over 6 hours one way (Denver, Lubbock, Pheonix, etc) we were a crew called in on our days off to do it. Two man crew for up to eight hour one way. Two drivers and an attendant on any over 8 hours one way
WOW. 11 hours? Here, an IFT takes approx. 10-15 minutes if that within city limits.

These are not regular IFT calls, which take anywhere from 2-60 minutes in the city, but out-of-town runs.

My personal longest was Louisville to the Cumberland Falls area, about 4 hours each way. I've heard of a crew who went Kentucky to Canada.
WOW. 11 hours? Here, an IFT takes approx. 10-15 minutes if that within city limits.

These are special runs. Keep in mind, NM only has 1 lvl 1 trauma center statewide. And specialty facilities are few and far between too. So that leads to a lot of out of state runs.
These are special runs. Keep in mind, NM only has 1 lvl 1 trauma center statewide. And specialty facilities are few and far between too. So that leads to a lot of out of state runs.
...but how many level 2s? There isn't a whole lot of difference between the two using ACS criteria.
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These are special runs. Keep in mind, NM only has 1 lvl 1 trauma center statewide. And specialty facilities are few and far between too. So that leads to a lot of out of state runs.

About the same in WA too. One lvl one, I think one true burn center. Both are at Harborview in Seattle.

As for longest transport. Mine was a 911 response in the winter. Whether closed down while we were about halfway too the scene. Transport time was over two hours. And for a difficulty breathing. Thank God it wasn't too bad and I had enough albuterol. Lol.

I herd a story about a crew that did a ground transport from somewhere in Alaska to Seattle. Don't know if it is true, but if it is, that is the longest one I have herd of.
Might be true, as Alaska has exactly zero trauma centers :p
About the same in WA too. One lvl one, I think one true burn center. Both are at Harborview in Seattle.

As for longest transport. Mine was a 911 response in the winter. Whether closed down while we were about halfway too the scene. Transport time was over two hours. And for a difficulty breathing. Thank God it wasn't too bad and I had enough albuterol. Lol.

I herd a story about a crew that did a ground transport from somewhere in Alaska to Seattle. Don't know if it is true, but if it is, that is the longest one I have herd of.
We have 4 level 1s, a few level 2s, a world renowned burn ward, and a pediatric level 1 and level 2.... all in DFW.

Be jealous.
We have 4 level 1s, a few level 2s, a world renowned burn ward, and a pediatric level 1 and level 2.... all in DFW.

Be jealous.

Boston is the same, maybe more

And alaska only has one level II