That is a bit of a draw back for me, and the biggest reason I am still 50/50 on it. I live an open lifestyle about my sexuality and I won't go somewhere that I will have to actively hide that.
Other than that, it is a strong pre med program that will obviously place me way ahead of the curve at another school (I will not attend loma linda med school).
I would still be a bit apprehensive about going pre-med with that (non-loma linda med school). Consider talking to counselors at med schools you want to go to specifically about that program before enrolling. New, almost experimental (in the sense of academia, this hasn't been around in US) programs may not have the best outcome with med school counselors.
Plus I am not to sure how far ahead of the curve they want you. In medical school you are learning from a different perspective and a more general practitioner model, where their is a methodology behind the way they teach you.
It overall just needs more follow up