livescan what states require them to get licensced

I've never had a problem with background checks. Nor have I ever had a problem with being asked to pee in a cup. What does drive me batty, though, is having 2 government agencies [County EMS and the Department of Motor Vehicles] both require the exact same background check, but can't share information. This forces the applicant to get not 1, but 2 background checks from the exact same system.
There is a move afoot in CA to allow you to specify more than one agency to receive your livescan results (some reasonable number, like 2 or 3). This will require a change in regulation and maybe statute, so the paramedics three generations down the road who come to haul us out of our con-home beds might not have to submit multiple forms and pay multiple fees. BTW, a friend of mine is a substitute high school teacher and she had to do 5 Livescans to be able to teach iin each of the 5 schools in our school district... yikes!
Yikes on the five live scans for 5 schools, in the same district. My husband is a sub, and he had to submit one for each district he subs in (at the moment one, but when he started, 2). They're good for all schools in the district.
Why does California do things by county? New York does a state backround check with your personal information. Although NY licensed securty guards are required to get fingerprinted with only 8 hours of training.
Probably the same reason that we call our Basics [officially, at least] EMT-I's [Roman numeral 1. EMT-Intermediates [which are geographically restricted making them rare] are called EMT-II (2)], tradition. The same question could be asked why places do their things by service [each service has their own medical director and protocols] or region [NY for example].
Why does California do things by county? New York does a state backround check with your personal information. Although NY licensed securty guards are required to get fingerprinted with only 8 hours of training.

California EMSA wanted each county to retain its own governing authority for regulations. Unfortunately that is what partially created the mess they are in now.

Many different employers (hotels, restaurants, retail stores, 7-11s etc) can require fingerprinting for their employees prior to hire.

25 years ago for insurance purposes in some parts of the country, EMTs and Drivers were sent to a bonding agency.
Why does California do things by county? New York does a state backround check with your personal information. Although NY licensed securty guards are required to get fingerprinted with only 8 hours of training.
I think the California situation is a result of being one of the first states to have a true pre-hospital system, and those systems grew up in separate areas of the state with different medical directors and different situations. And California is a geographically large state with huge variations in population, geography, etc. There are 31 (!) local EMS agencies in the state, each with slightly different protocols and procedures. At this point the only way to fix it would be to blow up the entire system and start over, and nobody has the stomach, political will, or funding to do THAT! I am jealous of medics and EMTs who work in states with statewide certification/licensing, consistent pre-hospital treatment policies, and a strong state presence. True, too, that we just have to be a little bit different out here ;>)
valiant even though blemished .what county????

Well let me inform any interested in knowing nremt will not let you take the test if you answer yes to criminal felony convictions past , because if you do take the test , pass and apply in your local county ems agency(california) and they become aware of your past criminal history they will pull/revoke your nremt card /cert or whatever it is they give you and as i was told ,once taken from you cannot be given to you again .I dont know for sure but i was told by a very nice lady at NREMTto be sure a local county agency will hire me w/ my past before i take the nremt test, as to not risk permanetly ruining my chance at becoming an EMT . She unlike a couple of people unfortunatly ive come across on this site , was very understanding to the fact that things happen ,and people do make mistakes in choices and sometimes even though someone may have a blemish can be one of the most caring reliable valiant great person you would ever come across . its not what happens that defines you but how you deal with it .So does any one know of what counties may in california give me that chance ive worked and dreamed so hard for. PLEASE HELP ME ANYONE. Thank you.never give up no matter how hard it may seem . =)
NYS is broken down into regions but it seems ALS protocols change from region to region. Every medic must pass the state test and than the remac test for each region they may work in. A medic must follow the protocols for each region which is not particularly difficult to do but it may be a slight hassle.