Laws in Arizona For EMT-B Certification


Forum Ride Along
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I have a question for you guys that I am almost positive I know the answer to, but would love some reassurance!

I have completed my National Registry in Colorado, but have not sent off to get my Colorado Certification. I know that in Colorado, you must have your state license to practice in the state. I am assuming that this is the same in Arizona.

What I am wondering is if I go to work at an off-road race in Arizona, (privately hired or even volunteering for the race organization themselves), do I need to be certified by the state of Arizona? Or am I covered because I am nationally certified and AZ accepts NREMT?

NREMT certification should never be construed as a "license to practice". It's simply a certificate that shows you've demonstrated baseline competence at the level you tested at.
Your NREMT is not a certificate to practice. It just says that you meet the national standard for knowledge. You must have a state cert for the state you are working in and must have a medical director in order to practice at the EMT level.
as a general rule, you need to be licensed in any and every state you practice in. doing otherwise can get you in BIG trouble.

the only semi-normal exemption to this rule is disaster response with a RECOGNIZED relief organization (eg the American Red Cross, American Medical Response, etc).