This isn't a medical scenario, but a call response scenario.
A call came in at approx 0640hrs. I proceeded through our normal dispatch procedure. After 3 tone outs with no response from a driver I had mutual aid sent. The closest mutual aid ambulance was 21 miles away. I waited about 5 more minutes in the ambulance in case a driver showed up. No response so I let dispatch know our ambulance service was standing down and letting mutual aid handle it.
As I got out of the rig inside the base the base phone was ringing. I answered it and it was a driver. He was a 1/2mile-1mile behind the mutual aid ambulance, still 15 miles from the scene and still in another ambulance district. He's not an EMT, but he is a fire chief for a local dept and has red lights on his vehicle. He said he'd respond and I could take the ambulance to the scene and 1st respond until he got there. I got the location of the mutual aid rig, and the driver's POV location. I told him that I did NOT feel comfortable having him respond from outside the ambulance district, 15 miles away, while behind the mutual aid ambulance. I said that the mutual aid ambulance should take the call. His voice appeared agitated as he hung up the phone.
My Reasoning
#1) I don't feel comfortable taking an ambulance to a scene by myself when a driver is coming from more than 5 miles away from the scene.
#2) I don't believe an ambulance service should delay care so personnel from outside our district (IE at least 11 miles away from the scene) can respond to make a full crew
#3) If I had canceled mutual aid and he'd gotten into an accident, but I was on scene by myself w/ an ambulance I'd be SOL and delaying transport even longer. (Not to mention being investigated by the state for why I responded by myself.)
#4) If I'd kept mutual aid responding, and had him respond also to make a full crew for us, it's pretty bad PR to send an ambulance home that has just responded 21 miles mutual aid only to be turned around and sent home.
So, what are your thoughts?
A call came in at approx 0640hrs. I proceeded through our normal dispatch procedure. After 3 tone outs with no response from a driver I had mutual aid sent. The closest mutual aid ambulance was 21 miles away. I waited about 5 more minutes in the ambulance in case a driver showed up. No response so I let dispatch know our ambulance service was standing down and letting mutual aid handle it.
As I got out of the rig inside the base the base phone was ringing. I answered it and it was a driver. He was a 1/2mile-1mile behind the mutual aid ambulance, still 15 miles from the scene and still in another ambulance district. He's not an EMT, but he is a fire chief for a local dept and has red lights on his vehicle. He said he'd respond and I could take the ambulance to the scene and 1st respond until he got there. I got the location of the mutual aid rig, and the driver's POV location. I told him that I did NOT feel comfortable having him respond from outside the ambulance district, 15 miles away, while behind the mutual aid ambulance. I said that the mutual aid ambulance should take the call. His voice appeared agitated as he hung up the phone.
My Reasoning
#1) I don't feel comfortable taking an ambulance to a scene by myself when a driver is coming from more than 5 miles away from the scene.
#2) I don't believe an ambulance service should delay care so personnel from outside our district (IE at least 11 miles away from the scene) can respond to make a full crew
#3) If I had canceled mutual aid and he'd gotten into an accident, but I was on scene by myself w/ an ambulance I'd be SOL and delaying transport even longer. (Not to mention being investigated by the state for why I responded by myself.)
#4) If I'd kept mutual aid responding, and had him respond also to make a full crew for us, it's pretty bad PR to send an ambulance home that has just responded 21 miles mutual aid only to be turned around and sent home.
So, what are your thoughts?