KED vs. Spineboard

I am pretty sure a KED is also considered to be a full immobilization device independent of a LSD in some areas. There is no spine in your legs...

I have some spine in my leg! But NO WHERE ELSE!
TV has been teaching pts for years that bad mva = lab, collar and big orange things next to your ears. Feeling like they are getting the treatment they expect has a calming, reassuring effect on a otherwise scared person.

No. It is uncomfortable and claustrophobic.

Not trying to be a **** but didn't you just get removed from your EMT program? How do you "use a KED quite frequently" if you aren't certified to work in the field?

I've transported patients in only a KED two times and never heard another word about it as long as I could justify why I did what I did.

That's my extent of use of the KED in a year of 6-7 days a week working in EMS.
"Spine in the legs"...the leg bone's connected to the pelvis-bone, and that is the widest lever affecting the spine. Technically the skull isn't a spine but holding the head still is of great interest also.

WHEN APPROPRIATE, the KED is a quantum leap beyond the old short spine boards, and once on (for whatever sort of immobilization it has been deemed needed to provide), should not be removed until protocols are met for clearance, or at the hospital, or patient makes it more advisable than keeping it on (wrassling).

As for documenting spinal injury once field spinal immobilization is in place, it would be hard since there are no xrays taken before the extrication device is applied. Maybe in cases where the pt was dropped once on the board and litter...

Literature I saw while I was compiling my ill-fated litter class on /by the scoop litters specifically cautions the use of a two-piece Ferno-Washington in lieu of a formal spineboard for spinal immobilization.

edit: I tried to find a photo of an old-fashioned short spine board but couldn't. Had to wind straps around the thighs, not nice.
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Everyone gets MAST pants.
Coma cocktails for all! :D
Heck, everyone gets a code 3 response and trip to a Level One teaching hospital trauma center.
With a pretty/handsome EMT.