Just need to vent about this... what do you think

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Thanks guys. But i still think he was just a ****. all arguments have merit here, and i can see how it is on both sides. However, its not something I would do.
ok, EMT Rob, he was a male member.

As an EMT I've had ER"s throw out my paperwork. What do you want at this point? I got over it, you will too.

Personally I hate bystanders as a rule. They delay my assessment and treatment. Better to say "I saw it happen", then stand by for inquiries.

Also personally I've found it hard to catch a truly limp unconscious person and met many pts who are not "out" and do not respond to sternal rubs. Careful.
Many many things bother me about what you are saying
I have been an ERT for a few years now, and I start medic school in September.
it is right now october, and medic school is already in progress. the next class starts in january. most programs haven't accepted students for next semester yet. sounds kinda fishy to me.
after about 20minutes medics were on scene.
I'm curious, were you in new brunswick? because most of the time an ambulance would be on scene in less than 20 minutes, even in new brunswick. and more notably, since you are an EMT, you would know that in NJ, EMTs would show up before the medics.
I went up to the medic, told him I was an EMT, and tried to let him know what happened.
again, why did the medics make it to the scene before the ambulance? something sounds off. and where did this happen? if you worked in EMS, odds are you know, or your supervisor has connections in ALS projects all over the region. why not speak to them?
He told me to back off. Went to the manager and asked what happened to the kid. I stood around for a few minutes to see if this guy wanted to know what i knew, and if there was anything I could do to help ( not being a whacker or anything lol).
sounds like they had the situation well in hand.
I guess I am just upset that this **** totally disregarded me. what would you have done in that situation?
you have got to be kidding me... he is a professional, he was doing his job. so he blew you off, don't let it get to you, go watch your movie
yea. Im not going to let it bother me , and i understand what your saying but...

the phrase " I am an EMT at Robert Wood Johnson MediCenter should really stand out. "
ok, this raises many flags with me. 1) what is your last name? you can PM me if you don't want to announce it publicly. 2) it's not Robert Wood Johnson MediCenter. it's Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. Anyone who works there would know the difference 3) I used to work at RWJUH EMS. I know almost every EMT who works there, except those hired in the last 3 months. and the only Rob who works there is a firefighter in new brunswick, and isn't going to medic school. So How long have you been an EMT at RWJ? 4) in another post, you said you worked in an ER. I just called the ER, spoke to one of my tech friends, and she said there was no EMT named Rob who worked as a tech in the ER of RWJ.

so I am forced to question if you are who you are representing yourself to the medics, given all the flags you have given me.
Guy was a ****, I am just glad that the kid didn't really suffer. and turned out to be ok.
so let him do his job. he and his partner have a routine, the patient was conscious, and usually they are who you want to be assessing.

Personally, based on your first two posts, I would probably tell you the same thing, since I wouldn't believe that you were an EMT or a RWJ EMS person (for the reasons noted above).

He wasn't being a jerk, maybe a little shorter than you would have liked, but if the patient is sick he needs to work to stabilize the patient, and the words of a civilian are of little consequence. if he isn't sick, then the patient should be your best historian, so he would want to get all his information from the patient.

btw, when I am working (EMS on the streets of New Brunswick NJ was my last job before going into dispatch) I will listen to a civilian/off duty medical person/anyone who says they are a professional but I don't know/volunteer anything up until the point that I get to the patient. greet me at the front door, the building entrance, whatever, but once I make patient contact with an alert patient, all my questions get directed to them. anything else is generally not as important as what the patient is saying
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ok, this raises many flags with me. 1) what is your last name? you can PM me if you don't want to announce it publicly. 2) it's not Robert Wood Johnson MediCenter. it's Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. Anyone who works there would know the difference 3) I used to work at RWJUH EMS. I know almost every EMT who works there, except those hired in the last 3 months. and the only Rob who works there is a firefighter in new brunswick, and isn't going to medic school. So How long have you been an EMT at RWJ? 4) in another post, you said you worked in an ER. I just called the ER, spoke to one of my tech friends, and she said there was no EMT who worked as a tech in the ER or RWJ.

Ever crossed your mind that maybe his name isn't Rob? Maybe EMTRob stands for the place he works? Or that he could have been hired in the past three months? Maybe he goes by a different name offline for privacy reasons?

Does your friend know every tech in the hospital?
Ever crossed your mind that maybe his name isn't Rob? Maybe EMTRob stands for the place he works? Or that he could have been hired in the past three months? Maybe he goes by a different name offline for privacy reasons?

Does your friend know every tech in the hospital?
my friend knows every tech in the ER since she works there, which is where he said he works (in another thread).

and if his name isn't rob, and he goes by another name fine. but there were several flags that his post raised.

why, is your name not really sasha? :P
my friend knows every tech in the ER since she works there, which is where he said he works (in another thread).

and if his name isn't rob, and he goes by another name fine. but there were several flags that his post raised.

why, is your name not really sasha? :P

I'm just saying, he could go by another name, or rob could stand for something else.

He can also have worked in the ER in the past, perhaps? Or works in another part of the hospital, yet says "ER" because it sounds cooler than "oncology floor" or something?
I have been an ERT for a few years now, and I start medic school in September.

just a little background.

Well I was at the movies tonight and I went to get some popcorn.
This 17 - 20 yo guy just blacked out in front of me and literally landed in my arms. I helped him to the floor ( it was weird that I was the only person to be paying any attention, meaning that someone actually scoffed at us as though we were playing around). I tried to talk to this kid, and he was unresponsive. breathing but no reaction to a sternum rub.
The manager finally looked over and I told him to call 911.

after about 2 minutes the kid woke up. Pale as all hell. seemed kinda shocked as if he had no clue what happened.

He tried to get up ( after I told him to say there and wait for medics) and as soon as he got up, BAM... he went out again, but we were there to catch him again, no head bonk.

again no response to and painful stimuli, and his friends were coming over, and he was just out.

He woke up again about a minute or 2. Got a little pt. hx, nothing big that he reveled, no prior seizure or medications, etc.

kid was kinda freaked out.

after about 20minutes medics were on scene.

I went up to the medic, told him I was an EMT, and tried to let him know what happened.

He told me to back off. Went to the manager and asked what happened to the kid. I stood around for a few minutes to see if this guy wanted to know what i knew, and if there was anything I could do to help ( not being a whacker or anything lol).

I guess I am just upset that this **** totally disregarded me. what would you have done in that situation?

Chillout homes, don't take it so personal. You been in the field, so Iam sure you have some tough skin, the guy got taken care of so all is well, I mean this sounds like one of those How do you cope sissy mary threads. really you did all you can do and the patient got to the appropriate attention he needed nuff said. Really who listens to bystanders any ways the worsst are the family members who can't give a decent history to save their own lives, let alone taking a history from a complete stranger.
DrParasite, enough.
Did you seriously call someone to validate a story on an internet forum?

Many many things bother me about what you are saying

i'm sure. big words might embarrass you.

Originally Posted by EMTRob View Post
I have been an ERT for a few years now, and I start medic school in September.

it is right now october, and medic school is already in progress. the next class starts in january. most programs haven't accepted students for next semester yet. sounds kinda fishy to me.

most schools. I have a seat in medic school. i've got it thanks.

Originally Posted by EMTRob View Post
after about 20minutes medics were on scene.

I'm curious, were you in new brunswick? because most of the time an ambulance would be on scene in less than 20 minutes, even in new brunswick. and more notably, since you are an EMT, you would know that in NJ, EMTs would show up before the medics.

there you go again with that word MOST. as in "Not Always"

Originally Posted by EMTRob View Post
I went up to the medic, told him I was an EMT, and tried to let him know what happened.

again, why did the medics make it to the scene before the ambulance? something sounds off. and where did this happen? if you worked in EMS, odds are you know, or your supervisor has connections in ALS projects all over the region. why not speak to them?

no clue why they all showed up together. none at all. didnt really stick around to find out.

Originally Posted by EMTRob View Post
He told me to back off. Went to the manager and asked what happened to the kid. I stood around for a few minutes to see if this guy wanted to know what i knew, and if there was anything I could do to help ( not being a whacker or anything lol).

sounds like they had the situation well in hand.

they completely handled the situation with the patient . above and beyond . however the level of care was no issue to me, and It didnt really bother me. I just felt a little peeved, and decided to ask people here what they thought. however i don't need people to call things in from a forum post. are you insane.

Originally Posted by EMTRob View Post
I guess I am just upset that this **** totally disregarded me. what would you have done in that situation?

you have got to be kidding me... he is a professional, he was doing his job. so he blew you off, don't let it get to you, go watch your movie

again, I didn't let it get to me. but it got to you. do you secretly know the :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: that treats other" Professionals" like total jerks?

Originally Posted by EMTRob View Post
yea. Im not going to let it bother me , and i understand what your saying but...

the phrase " I am an EMT at Robert Wood Johnson MediCenter should really stand out. "

ok, this raises many flags with me.

1) what is your last name? you can PM me if you don't want to announce it publicly.

Not a chance, however Rob isnt my first or last name, so have fun with that.

2) it's not Robert Wood Johnson MediCenter. it's Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital. Anyone who works there would know the difference

you are right. the exact phrase i used was i work in the ER at Robert Wood, however, believe it or not, the internet is a little bigger then middlesex county. so i used a bigger name, and if you couldn't tell , i really didnt wanna spell it out. was typing on my phone.

3) I used to work at RWJUH EMS. I know almost every EMT who works there, except those hired in the last 3 months. and the only Rob who works there is a firefighter in new brunswick, and isn't going to medic school. So How long have you been an EMT at RWJ?

Longer then 3 months... so maybe you do know me

4) in another post, you said you worked in an ER. I just called the ER, spoke to one of my tech friends, and she said there was no EMT named Rob who worked as a tech in the ER of RWJ.

that's true. No one goes by the name of Rob in the ER.

so I am forced to question if you are who you are representing yourself to the medics, given all the flags you have given me.

for some reason ( my guess is that you know the guy I am talking about) this has pissed you off. and i am sorry. but, i really don't feel like defending my self to you. after this quick PM, i will no longer converse with you.

Originally Posted by EMTRob View Post
Guy was a ****, I am just glad that the kid didn't really suffer. and turned out to be ok.

so let him do his job. he and his partner have a routine, the patient was conscious, and usually they are who you want to be assessing.

i did, never got in the way. they did an outstanding job

Personally, based on your first two posts, I would probably tell you the same thing, since I wouldn't believe that you were an EMT or a RWJ EMS person (for the reasons noted above).

well, maybe that's why your in dispatch?

He wasn't being a jerk, maybe a little shorter than you would have liked, but if the patient is sick he needs to work to stabilize the patient, and the words of a civilian are of little consequence. if he isn't sick, then the patient should be your best historian, so he would want to get all his information from the patient.

I know how a jerk acts. Kinda like you "cyber bullying" here in the fourm. The guy was a complete jerk off.

btw, when I am working (EMS on the streets of New Brunswick NJ was my last job before going into dispatch) I will listen to a civilian/off duty medical person/anyone who says they are a professional but I don't know/volunteer anything up until the point that I get to the patient. greet me at the front door, the building entrance, whatever, but once I make patient contact with an alert patient, all my questions get directed to them. anything else is generally not as important as what the patient is saying.

Well he wasn't at the pt's side, in fact he was talking to the manager of the theater, and the EMTs were on the guy. from what I saw, he was just standing around. and until I left, i hadn't noticed him on the pt once. and i returned to my movie.

and Forum mods, you will never hear a rant like this one, if you need to lock it up i understand. thanks guys.
Sounds like the certain medic in question might well also be a member of this forum. lol
haha, not quite. but when someone gives a story about my former employer, esp one that doesn't sound quite right, I have to ask questions.

and for the record, I know many medics who do treat other professionals (both paid and volunteer, ALS and BLS) like pond scum. sometimes it's warranted due to prior history, sometimes the medics are in fact jerks.

but if one of them mistreated me, the last thing I would do is complain about it on an online forum, esp a worldwide one. Maybe I'd vent to my coworkers, or contact their supervisor directly. but more likely I would just go back to the theater and enjoy the movie
Pot, meet kettle. Kettle, pot.

DrParasite said:
I know many medics who do treat other professionals (both paid and volunteer, ALS and BLS) like pond scum.

I happen to know a Basic who treats people who aren't quite professionals yet like pond scum.
but if one of them mistreated me, the last thing I would do is complain about it on an online forum, esp a worldwide one. Maybe I'd vent to my coworkers, or contact their supervisor directly. but more likely I would just go back to the theater and enjoy the movie

actually that's a horrible idea. ya see Dr.Parasite , where i learned about how to handle situations, The Army, the last thing you do is make paperwork about it. and, i am venting to a bunch of people who I don't know, but have a totally indifferent position on it. so.. you're ... whats the word... wrong.
actually that's a horrible idea. ya see Dr.Parasite , where i learned about how to handle situations, The Army, the last thing you do is make paperwork about it. and, i am venting to a bunch of people who I don't know, but have a totally indifferent position on it. so.. you're ... whats the word... wrong.
see, I guess that's the difference between you and me. I don't :censored::censored::censored::censored::censored: about things that I can't change, nor do I complain/rant just for the sake of complaining.

if something bothers me that much (which has happened before), I do something about it. case in point: there was a head nurse at SPUH (which no one but the OP knows where that is) who was very rude to me. and it got me steamed. and when I ended up bringing the patient to the ER from L&D, the ER director (who has known me for years) saw how steamed I was, asked what happened, then she picked up the phone, and called the L&D directors personal cell phone and told me to tell her what happened. end result? the director investigated, the nurse was counseled, policies were changes to prevent this type of situation from happening again, and I haven't had an issue since.

see, complaining just because you can doesn't help. getting the situation resolved so it doesn't happen again? that's how you fix a problem
it's case AND point. case in point makes no sense.

so because someone made you upset, that you personally worked with, you decided to jeopardize her job to get you way instead of speaking with them first. sounds like your a hot head.

SPUH... hrmmm. I know where that is. very clever with the letters.

how bout a few more that we can share. Monoc, JSUMC, MMC, BMSCH ...
And like so many threads here on EMTLife, this thread has run it's course. Thread closed, and members violating our forum rules will be warned.
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