Just hired into EMS


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I'm pretty excited to finally be on board. I had my interview this morning and got a call this afternoon for the position. Its within my hospital I transport at so I just have to wait the 2 week transfer process before I begin. I'm starting out on the routine truck- no biggie, since it's mostly what I already do except instead of walking I will be driving..and I need the experience behind the wheel anyways plus knowing the locations outside of town. They told me after 6 months on the routine i could start running on the stat trucks. Anyways this is a huge jump for me and a new era in my life just thought I would share it with everyone. If anyone has some starting out tips feel free to post them up ( ive already searched on the boards but any advice even old is good advice to me) :D I just don't want to be labeled a whacker from the get go hehe.. only thing i plan to bring with me is my littmann and my shears; and a good attitude :P
Congrats!!!!! Welcome aboard. You asked for advice, best advice I can give is keep your eyes and ears open, and mouth shut!!! Don't be afraid to jump in and get your hands dirty. Don't be afraid to say you don't know something. We have all been the new guy/girl, and most of us remember what it's like. Doing the routine transports are the least exciting part of EMS but a neccesary evil. They are a great way to enhance your people skills. You can meet some interesting people that way if you just take 5 minutes and talk to your patients. Also if your new to the field, keep a note book that you can write down, medications and diseases that your patients are on, and look them up later, it will help broaden your knowledge.

Couple other things to bring your first day, other then your stethescope, and shears, are a couple of pens, a sharpie, a small notebook that will fit in your pocket, some breath mints, and your good attitude. Don't show up looking like BATMAN!!! You'll learn over time what you need on you all the time and what you don't. Every person is different and if you have everyone on your platoon empty their pockets, everyone will have different stuff.

Show up on your first day smiling and happy ready to work. It'll all fall into place as time goes by.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

Good luck!!!!!

Congrats!!!!! Welcome aboard. You asked for advice, best advice I can give is keep your eyes and ears open, and mouth shut!!!
I cannot stand this phrase. The worst thing a new hire do is keep their mouth shut. There is just no way a preceptor can explain everything to everyone. If you have a question, ask it! There's no such thing as a dumb question when you're new, it's much better to ask a question first than just doing something only to find out you did it wrong. Anticipate situations that you have not yet experienced and ask your preceptors how they would handle it. It's nice to have had someone explain a procedure to you before you have to just wing it yourself, do not be ashamed by "what-ifs," just don't be excessive with it.
Yes, keep your eyes open while driving. Beginners try driving blind which only works if you use the force.