So I have worked for this little transfer company for over just two months, it's a great job for a lazy man, about an average of four calls a day. Well my boss called me at my house a day before I was scheduled to come in and told me that he has hired an intermediate ( who just got out of jail for welfare fraud) I know this bc I was approached a couple of weeks prior by another supervisor trying to get this guy hired because he's a friend. He told me it was between me and another emt- b and he needs higher certified people... I just passed my paramedic final exam.... So I was like BS... The other emt isn't in any paramedic class and doesnt even want too. Not sure why they laid me off and they won't give me clear reason... Never was written up or anything...I over analyze everything but I guess I got took by the good ole boy system..... Guess more time to finish clinicals