Just A Cool Story

Wow, such a sad, sweet story :(

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A "notebook" ending. So touching.
Aww so cute.. Really is straight outta "the notebook". So romantic.. sigh
Sorry but the story is bullschitt!

I commented on several people's Facebook page after they posted the crap too. Did you even read how they ended up in the hospital together? Did you even read about the other party involved in the crash who is critical?

The old dude did not want to give up his license, he was driving and caused a crash which critically injured others and ultimately killed him and his wife...how sweet is that?

The entire hold handing BS sounds like an entirely made up story, especially since they were freaking comatose. I imagine the nursing staff or family placed their hands together.

Ummm...EKG being transmitted by hand holding...can we get any more urban legendish? What a story book fairy tale all created by a journalist who had nothing better to do. The story was poorly written and was grasping at straws...and there was blatant disregard for the other injured parties from this loving couple's devotion.

I am all for longevity in marriages, but this entire ending was completely avoidable and totally destroyed some other innocent's life!
I doubt (but if I'm wrong, by all means tell me) that her EKG could be read as a real heart rhythm on his leads, BUT try this some time. Take out a 4 lead, hold two leads in one hand, have someone else hold the other two leads in his/her hand. Look at the monitor, then take your free hand and grab his/her free hand. The monitor will start showing a reading. A really messed up line, but it will still read something.
Yes but this is not what occurred so let us not reach to the absurd to make the bullschitt plausible please.
I'm pretty much with AK on this one. Sure it is sweet they were married for 72 years, but that shouldn't cloud the facts of what happened.
The old dude did not want to give up his license, he was driving and caused a crash which critically injured others and ultimately killed him and his wife...how sweet is that?

The entire hold handing BS sounds like an entirely made up story, especially since they were freaking comatose. I imagine the nursing staff or family placed their hands together.

Ummm...EKG being transmitted by hand holding...can we get any more urban legendish? What a story book fairy tale all created by a journalist who had nothing better to do. The story was poorly written and was grasping at straws...and there was blatant disregard for the other injured parties from this loving couple's devotion.

I am all for longevity in marriages, but this entire ending was completely avoidable and totally destroyed some other innocent's life!

Agreed 100%

72 years is amazing... for this generation. Not so much for last generation. Cool that they lasted so long, but the rest of the story is just there to sell advertising time.
Hey, I just watched the video... I didn't read the article.. :)
You are a cynical bunch aren't you...lol
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Maybe would've been a longer marriage minus the drivers license.
Sorry but the story is bullschitt!

I commented on several people's Facebook page after they posted the crap too. Did you even read how they ended up in the hospital together? Did you even read about the other party involved in the crash who is critical?

The old dude did not want to give up his license, he was driving and caused a crash which critically injured others and ultimately killed him and his wife...how sweet is that?

The entire hold handing BS sounds like an entirely made up story, especially since they were freaking comatose. I imagine the nursing staff or family placed their hands together.

Ummm...EKG being transmitted by hand holding...can we get any more urban legendish? What a story book fairy tale all created by a journalist who had nothing better to do. The story was poorly written and was grasping at straws...and there was blatant disregard for the other injured parties from this loving couple's devotion.

I am all for longevity in marriages, but this entire ending was completely avoidable and totally destroyed some other innocent's life!

wonderful they loved each other and died together..etc.
And 72yrs together is incredible in itself
And being a girl hope to find all that someday and all that mushy crap ..but media tends to cloud and distort the facts to sell the story..

blurp on accident:
At the intersection of Highway 30 and Jessup Avenue just west of Marshalltown, state troopers said Gordon pulled in front of an oncoming car. The Iowa State Patrol crash report said the other driver attempted to avoid the crash but was unable to stop in time.
blurp on holding hands:
They brought them in the same room in intensive care and put them together -- and they were holding hands in ICU. They were not really responsive," said Dennis Yeager.
You are a cynical bunch aren't you...lol

Only a realist...there is nothing cynical about revealing truths. The story has no value if it were not for the embellishment by the author.

72 years...quantity does not mean anything...how was the quality? This is what I strive for....they could have merely coexisted for 72 years, not enough facts for me to get mushy.

After one gets past the "Cheaper to keep her" phase which is good for about 25 years or until last child graduates high school/college, then you are in the down slope and you enter the "what the heck, it is easy" phase which will carry you for another 15-20 years...after that, you are in the "cant remember schitt" phase and there is absolutely no way you will leave your partner at that stage. :)
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yeah..this is all the rage in iowa now and i heard glenn beck mention it when I was channel surfing the radio yesterday..word from podunk Iowa travels fast, eh? haha

is it amazing they were together 72 years? yes.

did the nursing staff tell them it was her heartbeat showing up on his ekg to comfort the family? it appears to be that way.

mind you, kcci did another story earlier in the summer about an emt who 'diagnosed his own heart attack'. http://www.kcci.com/video/28990914/detail.html

we looked up his certification status when we saw it and it expired yeeeeaaaarrrrrs ago..i just made an attempt to look it up again, but the iowa dept of public health server is too busy at this time..