I think it depends where you live and the time.
For like a year where I live, the 911 provider did both interfacility transport (IFT) and 911, and they'd require their EMTs to do at least 6 months to be elgibile to work on a 911 unit I believe. A new provider came in, and they did 911 only, and they hired many people fresh from EMT school with no experience.
The same thing in one other county, but they didn't hure anybody for over a year and a half, and now they just hired some people.
Another county just opened up some 911 positions too.
And overall, there were no jobs when I got certified. It took me 13 months to get an EMT job at an IFT-only company (no 911). Now, for some reason, everybody is hiring in the area I work in....
I am assuming you live in Northern California, California is usually a little bit tougher to get an EMT job period, but if you'd like more specific information, you probably should post up the counties you're interested working in.