I'll be in a similar situation soon. But my dilema is that I am pretty sure I am more interested in EMS than becoming a physician (not because of school, because of the nature of the job) and if there wasn't such a money difference, I would not even think about med school. There are a few problems though. My parents, who are far from rich, already pay 10grand a year for me to be in one of the best high schools in the state. If I went and took EMT-Basic and Paramedic courses right out of high school, I would be the first graduate from my school not to go on to a formal college course in many years. So I have been wondering a lot.
I thought about going to the general four year college course (whatever thats called), then certifying, then working in EMS for like a year then med school. But there are some problems with that too. For one, this is what my cousin did. He is now in his mid thirties and just starting med school. I'm not sure if that's for me. Also, I am pretty confident that I wouldn't be able to do EMS for just a year, and would wind up staying for a while.
I then thought about getting EMT-B certified in my senior year-summer of senior year (which is what will most likely happen regardless) and taking my medic class in college (ehich I hear is overwhelming)but then when would I go into med school? I run into the same problem here. I guess I could work EMS and go through med school at the same time but that sounds like a task for a superhuman, and I'm not a total genius anyway, it takes a lot of studying for me to do good on any test.
So I guess I run into deciding if I want to do what I want and make less money, or do something that I can tolerate so I can have a lot of money. Or if I want to end up not letting my life kick off until I'm thirty. But I know for sure that I want to at least get to paramedic certification some day.
And then I realized I didn't want to think about any of this for a few more years.