Is Ridryder still alive?

I'd like to play Tic-Tac-Toe, player 0, please... ;)
Screw that... I'm playing Global Thermonuclear Warfare

Any Rid sightings?

Someone said he was seen hanging around the Mayo clinic helipad...
Rid, glad you are alive.
Between you, Vent, AK and Dust (over there), y'all have knocked me on my *** so many times, its black and blue.
But I learned.

And my patients have benefitted.

Bravo on the getting healthy and finding someone who makes you happy.

When you get a chance, come by and learn us some more.

Good luck to you advancing our profession. Please include a LOT of safety measures. My back, neck and elbow have already paid the price for stupidity.
Rid and Vent often did post informative posts but I have their attitude to be trollish. They seemed to look for fights with posts when none were warrented.

They haven't been banned so they choose to not post. I am indifferent to their being here or not.

While i agree to a small degree (and i rarely politically agree with you Firecoins - LOL)

Both Rid and Vent have up and apologized when they stepped over the line. I think however, that they rarely stepped over and i'm sure that is where you and diverge.
and i only revived this dead thread because we are STILL missing some heavy hitters, that keep the content fresh and informative.
Thanks for the compliments and even those that disagree.. (hopefully we can understand it is okay to agree to disagree). I have quit posting as often for several reasons.
As I stated before I got a life!... Seriously, I quit working >100 hours a week, started socializing and finally realized... Really, it's just a job! This was told to me by one of my close friends who says the same thing about his job ...(he's a thoracic surgeon)... They're all just jobs.. yes perform them with great passion and quality; but we all need to learn to work to live NOT live to work. As an old medic, I wished I would had learned this much sooner...

Yes, I am still very active in State and National level for increasing and mandating education levels. Forums like this stir up good and great debates, but unfortunately that is about all it really does. Hopefully along the way, many of us old medics made you do one thing.... that was to ....think! Rather to follow like mindless sheep, (as most of those in EMS do) justify and prove to yourself and others why you do what you do! (treat, perform and even think the way you do).. Can you? I doubt most can do that without resorting to the same old excuses.

Most of the participants on forums are rarely more than just street grunts.... (nothing wrong with that) but I have found that those in power and truly have the authority to change things mocks these debates. I can understand why. Typical EMS providers love to whine and gripe; but when it takes real action to change things....they are no where to be found or they clam up.

Good example of a foolish debate is the thread of accreditation or not. Really? Seriously? A so called profession that would even discuss of not having an institution not meeting a mandated minimal standards?... Wow! No wonder we are a joke in most professionals eyes. Because we are! The only health care profession that does not require formal education from an true accrediting agency. Then we wonder why EMS makes minimal wage and all the other problems? H*ll, we can't even decide what acronym to be called! Usually taught by instructors with less education level than a kindergarten teacher! It's a wonder the public trusts us... Better yet, I doubt very few on here have even really reviewed what the requirements of the accreditation are, and why the national trend is going to require such? Again, most of those within EMS have no true experience within the medical profession other than to drive an ambulance. Most fail to understand the broad scope of having professional standards, changing from objective base curriculum to true academic methods. Funny, I have not seen debates about requiring EMS services to become accredited alike hospitals having JCAHO. Why not? Meeting national minimal standards may mean having no more bailing wired, half arse stocked, worn out units. Yeah, hit them where it hurts ... the pocket book!

I have always encouraged good debates, me a troll.. not ever.. stir the pot? You bet! AS I described, you should be able to defend your thoughts, opinions, treatment and so forth based upon good knowledge from education, experience and forethought not just emotional reaction.

Be safe,
R/r 911
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While i agree to a small degree (and i rarely politically agree with you Firecoins - LOL)
I am not what the political differences are. I don't keep track of arguments we have had.