IS it True About Private Companies?

The OP struck me as a bit... biased?

Well, it is my source that is biased. Don't get me wrong, my cousin is a wonderful EMT, and I have seen him do amazing things time and time again. But as much as he is life-long devoted to studying medicine of all sorts, he is also very biased towards FD's. He is your typical EMT who is really into firefighting.

Thanks for all the info. Very insightful, very helpful. I do think IFT would be helpful for me, especially because I hope to have med-school somehwere in my future. But I think I would still be attracted to 911 at first (I know what you're thinking, but I can't help it, emergency medicine is all that interests me at the moment)

I cannot find very good info on private ambulance companies even in the whole state of Ohio. There is one here that is a rather large corp. but I can't remember the name. I have only seen them up-state though. But who knows, with the problems the FD's are in now, it might be a little more promissing to go with private. I just don't know yet.
But I think I would still be attracted to 911 at first (I know what you're thinking, but I can't help it, emergency medicine is all that interests me at the moment)

IFT is emergency medicine.
Some IFT is emergency medicine. Around here, the majority of IFT is taking patients from hospital to nursing home, nursing home to hospital, or hauling patients to drs appointments.... which is all BLS.
nursing home to hospital,

You don't think that can be emergency medicine?
IFT is emergency medicine.

Let me rephrase: critical emergnecy response... 911, you know I really can't find a good enough way to make it sound real. Hopefully you get the point. I basically want to be a "street medic", IFT would be a side job kind of thing for me, at least when I start out. It seems more beneficial to a newbie EMT.
not when 99% of the time its to have a feeding tube replaced.
Let me rephrase: critical emergnecy response...

Which again, can be IFT. What do you think our stroke transfer was? Because the street medics weren't competent to manage the patient long enough to get to the most appropriate facility, they go to the closest. And our response was critical and emergency.

I really wish you'd ride with a good IFT company before slandering (or libeling?) IFT work. I'd be more comfortable with an IFT medic in charge of my emergency than I would be with a "street medic".
not when 99% of the time its to have a feeding tube replaced.

Love those too.. "When did he pull it out?" "Oh...two nights ago.." at least that's better than the "Uhm" Eyeroll "I don't know"
Well, it is my source that is biased. Don't get me wrong, my cousin is a wonderful EMT, and I have seen him do amazing things time and time again. But as much as he is life-long devoted to studying medicine of all sorts, he is also very biased towards FD's. He is your typical EMT who is really into firefighting.

Thanks for all the info. Very insightful, very helpful. I do think IFT would be helpful for me, especially because I hope to have med-school somehwere in my future. But I think I would still be attracted to 911 at first (I know what you're thinking, but I can't help it, emergency medicine is all that interests me at the moment)

I cannot find very good info on private ambulance companies even in the whole state of Ohio. There is one here that is a rather large corp. but I can't remember the name. I have only seen them up-state though. But who knows, with the problems the FD's are in now, it might be a little more promissing to go with private. I just don't know yet.
If you're in the cincy area--

Hamilton County Private Ambulances are:
Patient Transport Services, Inc.
Western Joint Ambulance District
Wyoming EMS
Community Angels Ambulance, LLC
University Mobile Care
Strategic Ambulance
Bayer Corpration - Addyston Plant
Cincinnati Children's Transport Team
University Air Care
Rural/Metro Southern Ohio Division

Butler County:
Independent Specialized Paramedics

Claremont (winchester):
Eastern Area Specialty Trans, Inc.

If you're willing to head toward dayton:
Montgomery County:
Dayton Airport Fire Department
University of Dayton
Miami Valley Care Flight
Box 21 Rescue Squad
E.M.T., Inc.
American Ambulette & Ambulance Ser.
The Children's Medical Center Mobile ICU

Although I think UD is students only.

Can you guess where I got all of this info from?
I've run everything from BLS transfers to ALS, 911, IFT and MICU. Quite often, all in the same day. Even drove the wheelie van a couple of times for fun. Patients are patients as I see and they need all the support we can give them in any capacity they need us. Makes no difference what the call is..the experience is all good. I like em all!
Rural/Metro Southern Ohio Division

Oh, the devil exists in Ohio too.
Oh, the devil exists in Ohio too.
Yeah, but thye more or less got kicked out of Columbus. Lost two major contracts and since as I mentioed privates don't do 911 here they had not very much left to do...
If you're in the cincy area--

Hamilton County Private Ambulances are:
Patient Transport Services, Inc.
Western Joint Ambulance District
Wyoming EMS
Community Angels Ambulance, LLC
University Mobile Care
Strategic Ambulance
Bayer Corpration - Addyston Plant
Cincinnati Children's Transport Team
University Air Care
Rural/Metro Southern Ohio Division

Butler County:
Independent Specialized Paramedics

Claremont (winchester):
Eastern Area Specialty Trans, Inc.

If you're willing to head toward dayton:
Montgomery County:
Dayton Airport Fire Department
University of Dayton
Miami Valley Care Flight
Box 21 Rescue Squad
E.M.T., Inc.
American Ambulette & Ambulance Ser.
The Children's Medical Center Mobile ICU

Although I think UD is students only.

Can you guess where I got all of this info from?

I didn't even think about all the universities. Well, I know I have seen Wyoming and AByer before, and I have been to childrens plenty of times, but I never though their ambulance service was very active to be honest. For some reason it seems like I have seen American Ambulette in Hamilton County a few times.

Anyway, thank you, very helpful.
Yeah, but thye more or less got kicked out of Columbus. Lost two major contracts and since as I mentioed privates don't do 911 here they had not very much left to do...

They are more or less kicked out of Orlando too. As soon as Orlando FD takes over their transports R/m Orlando will shrivel and die. Not enough IFTs for them to survive.
I have found this thread enlightening...

All my EMS experience up to now has been 911. I am about to start working for an IFT service. I was a bit disappointed that I could not get hired on with the big, local 911 service, but I have a new perspective now thanks to all of you.

Thanks, stay safe out there.
I really wish you'd ride with a good IFT company before slandering (or libeling?) IFT work.

I wasn't slandering, my point was clear and obvious, and it was not intended to offend you or the profession.

Can you guess where I got all of this info from?

You're probably going to say Google. And then you are probably going to get all pissy with me for not finding it myslef, save it ;) If I was way off, forgive me.
I wasn't slandering, my point was clear and obvious, and it was not intended to offend you or the profession.

You're probably going to say Google. And then you are probably going to get all pissy with me for not finding it myslef, save it ;) If I was way off, forgive me.
Not at all!

The Ohio EMS Office. The same place you got your license from! Since we have the who trauma registry now where ever call is logged into the database, all agencies that run traumas (for all intents and purposes all EMS agencies, FDs, and First Responders at amusment parks or factories) are required to register with the state EMS office where they are assigned a unique number. The list is updated annually. The last published one was in 2008 so a new one is due out soon. The list tells you the agency name, whether its paid or volly, their highest level of care (FR, BLS, ILS, ALS), their city abd county, and whether or not it is a transport agency. Finally, there is a contact phone number for the coordinator of the trauma registry.

Furthermore, there is an Agencies Directory that gets publichsed once every few years. It lists in addition to the above information, the Chief's name, and office contact information which is very useful in getting a job! I found my first job by contacting the private agencies in my county by finding their office phone numbers in the directory! The directory is a lot bigger than the listing though and harder to navigate through (the listing is just a table). Also, it is just as easy to look up the agnecy name in the table and then go to the yellow pages and call the phone number and then asking for Human Resources depts.

But yeah, don't overlook the power of the state EMS office's website! I've found a lot of useful things on there over the years!