Interview Tomorrow Please Help!!!


Forum Probie
Please Help!

Okay, here is the scenario. I am a EMT who only works weekend events at various club locations, which is cool because it pays rather well. But, i want to learn more and am trying to get into a private company closer to home. Anyhow, i applied with a big company who handles 911 calls in my county for 2 positions as an EMT, and a VST (Vehicle Service Tech). Well today i received a call and was told to come in for an interview tomorrow for the VST position. Now, is this a good way for getting my foot in the door with that company? Then maybe try to upgrade to an EMT on an ALS rig? Also, other than the job description that entails what the duties i will be performing are, is there anything else i should prepare for in this interview? Are there any VST or former VST's out there that can help me out with this? I appreciate all feedback!! Thanks!


Forum Probie
Okay, here is the scenario. I am a EMT who only works weekend events at various club locations, which is cool because it pays rather well. But, i want to learn more and am trying to get into a private company closer to home. Anyhow, i applied with a big company who handles 911 calls in my county for 2 positions as an EMT, and a VST (Vehicle Service Tech). Well today i received a call and was told to come in for an interview tomorrow for the VST position. Now, is this a good way for getting my foot in the door with that company? Then maybe try to upgrade to an EMT on an ALS rig? Also, other than the job description that entails what the duties i will be performing are, is there anything else i should prepare for in this interview? Are there any VST or former VST's out there that can help me out with this? I appreciate all feedback!! Thanks!


Californian, Lost in Texas
I started at MedicWest in Las Vegas as a SST (essentially the same thing) in 2007, and earned my paramedic in 2009.

If you're looking for a relatively well-paying change of pace that can help establish your career, have you considered the military? I was in your shoes before I enlisted, and despite the BS, it's worked out pretty well. The income and benefits are nice too, and chances of you going to Afghanistan are dropping daily.


Forum Probie
Yeah i have actually considered the military but right now i am over weight and out of shape, in which i am getting back into working out now. so what were your duties as a VST?


Californian, Lost in Texas
Supply, cleaning, some vehicle maintenance (mostly helping the Ford-certified service tech).

It's a great place to show your face and make money while you go to I or P-school if you can't get on a rig. It also gets you the chance to learn the equipment.

How big are you? There's a lot of chunky people in the Army, and despite the looming RIF, we're still taking people in (E-4s and 5s are the ones getting cut).