Interview Deal Breakers


Forum Probie
Can anyone tell me some deal breakers for ambulance companies during an interview?


Forum Angel
Bad driving record

Criminal History

Any pending investigations against your license.

Some companies don't hire people who have been fired from another company before.

Sometimes tattoos and piercings.


Forum Deputy Chief
Can anyone tell me some deal breakers for ambulance companies during an interview?

This is going to be very company dependent. I'm part of the interview panel at my work and we ask some fairly standard questions. One question that everyone screws up is the, "tell me about a stressful event in your life and how you handled it."

We don't want to hear about a stressful time in your life, rather we're looking for problem solving skills. Specifically we want to get these steps out of those interviewing.

1. A stressful event was identified
2. A plan of action was created
3. said plan was implemented
4. outcome of reevaluation and reimplimentation

With that said, we're really looking for a good fit, at my work there is only 12 positions so we all get to know each other fairly well, and a bad fit is like wiping your butt with sandpaper after a while in such a small department.

We have other generic questions like:

What are your future goals?

What does customer service mean to you?

Two oral assessments (Trauma and Medical and very basic -- looking for systematic approach and ability to make a decision)

Lastly we ask if there is anything the person interviewing would like to us to know about him or her, and if there is any questions.

Whatever you do, be honest.


Forum Deputy Chief
Premium Member
Showing up without certification, paperwork, well proofread resume. Attire not fitting for an interview (I don't care about formality, but some indication the applicant put effort in), disrespect to interviewer, previous employers or peers.


Forum Deputy Chief
Showing up without certification, paperwork, well proofread resume. Attire not fitting for an interview (I don't care about formality, but some indication the applicant put effort in), disrespect to interviewer, previous employers or peers.

This too!

Had a guy show up in neon colored swimming trunks once!


Forum Probie
Thank you, very informative. With that being said are their things a candidate does or says that is a near automatic hire?


The fire extinguisher is not just for show
With that being said are their things a candidate does or says that is a near automatic hire?
they don't exist. there is nothing that will guarantee you a job.

that being said, show up 15-30 minutes early for your interview, suit and tie, clean shaven with proper haircut, resume with no spelling or grammar errors (with multiple copies), copies of your certificates, be nice and respectful to EVERYONE, from the secretaries, to the current staff to the guy who cleans the floors to the bum who you meet in the parking lot.

and bring a pen. and a wrist watch. and turn your cell phone to silent the moment you want in the door.

It won't guarantee you a job, but it will put you ahead of the guys who doesn't do those things.


Forum Lieutenant
Showing up without certification, paperwork, well proofread resume. Attire not fitting for an interview (I don't care about formality, but some indication the applicant put effort in), disrespect to interviewer, previous employers or peers.

I did the opposite, I had all my paperwork in a small binder and flipped through it during the interview while the interviewer just started asking questions, flipped to my drivers abstract on second question and he sorta flipped through it and pretty much made up his mind right there. I took a tour and got employment papers at the end of it.


Forum Deputy Chief
they don't exist. there is nothing that will guarantee you a job.

that being said, show up 15-30 minutes early for your interview, suit and tie, clean shaven with proper haircut, resume with no spelling or grammar errors (with multiple copies), copies of your certificates, be nice and respectful to EVERYONE, from the secretaries, to the current staff to the guy who cleans the floors to the bum who you meet in the parking lot.

and bring a pen. and a wrist watch. and turn your cell phone to silent the moment you want in the door.

It won't guarantee you a job, but it will put you ahead of the guys who doesn't do those things.

My first interview for an ambulance job was with AMR...I was the only one that showed up in a suit and tie--I got hired.