Interview Advice

Nope, not yet. I'm getting a little nervous about it, but I remember the lady saying they were interviewing people throughout the week so if I don't hear back today or this weekend I'll probably give them a call on Monday.
hey searched and found this thread and i have an interview this Thursday. i was curious what to expect? i think i'm an ok interviewer; my people skills have vastly developed since my first interview for my first job and Disneyland lol.

my main concern is the company i really really want to work for just hired 50 people over 2 weeks because they picked up 4 new contracts. i was able to peek at the log book and i have 1 of the last 2 spots left for interviews for the month. the secretary also said that after this hiring cycle they won't be hiring for another year. i really really like this company and this is what worries me; the pressure is on to wow them.

so is there only one interview or do they usually have follow-ups? would they hire you on the spot or have you sweat it out?

i'm under the impression most ambulance companies have the same interviewing styles like most business interviews go the 2-3 interviews route.
