Really? you think pjs actually go on patrol and look for enemy fighters? ya didn't think so. no i don't really care about the army anymore, i'm not in bud.
any military personnel is used poorly as a number. not for any specific reason DERP.
cool story about your agency bro. i know more "basic" 68w, 18yr olds that have performed more medical aid than a a warzone.
This is a thread about military MEDEVAC units. No one cares that you were an 11b or "actually fought" at all. I thought the military taught humility but apparently not.
Who ever said anything about PJs going out on patrol looking for enemy fighters? Apparently you not only suck at writing but reading as well...
Military medics are awesome at treating trauma. Put a sick, complex medical patient in front of them and let's see what happens.
I didn't tell you a story about my agency, bro. I told you to tell the guys I work with who are in an NG MEDEVAC unit that they never fly outside the wire or see contact and see how they react.
With all due respect to the whiskeys out there that aren't idiots, congrats, your 18 year old, basic military medics can apply a tourniquet and request a MEDEVAC, which often times is a NG unit. Cool story, bro.
"Any military personnel is used poorly as a number. not for any specific reason DERP" what does that even mean?
No one gives a rat's *** about your combat experience, how many people you killed, how many patrols you went on or how "tough" you are. I deal with vets like you on a daily basis, being in the military doesn't give the right to be a douche bag. You served your country? Awesome, thank you for your service, if I had fractured my neck in high school I would have been over there with you saving your dumbass when you got cocky and got yourself shot. We serve our cities and counties every day at work and you don't see us civilian medics looking for handouts or special treatment because of it. Now get your self-entitled *** out of here.