

Forum Crew Member
I know I am "green" to this profession.....but is there anything but experience that will get me through my insecurity? I'm confident is skills, I am testing for a new job on tuesday......same place I took class.....I have pretty bad test taking anxiety for this type of thing-any words of advice?


Breathe, take things one step at a time, breathe, try to settle yourself mentally and physically, breathe, pace yourself, breathe, talk yourself through everything, breathe.

I hope you're seeing my main point: breathe. In stressful situations, people forget to breathe. Concentrate on your breathing, center yourself around it; as you concentrate on it, your body and mind both center around it.

Good luck!


Forum Captain
Dont sweat the small stuff and dont pet the sweaty stuff...

IMHO I dont believe in stressing, if you stress and worry it DOES take its toll on your body and reflects in the way your carrying yourself...

Nothing can help your insecurity but you, if you show your insecure then it shows them a certain side of you that you dont want them to see..THEY want to feel secure in knowing that your secure with yourself...

Like it has been said, take slow deep breaths and focus, My deal when I tested was simple, I went in there and acted like I knew wtf I was doing, I knew I screwed up but if your confident to overlook your own errors and not panic it votes higher for you....
take charge of your situation and youll be fine as long as you look confident then you are confident, if you begin to panic or worry...take a step back breathe refocus yourself and continue...and no matter how hectic things get remember one thing..your Freaking AWESOME! you Rule and you totally kick ***!!!!!!!!!


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
I would like to add the following to what has already been mentioned:

1) Remember, it's their emergency and not yours.
2) 95% of your patients will live or die regardless of what you do.
3) When all esle fails, remember ABCD
A = Airway
B = Breathing
C = Circulation
D = Diesel Drip, High flow preferred


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
Tale a deeeep breath and relax.

I never sweated as much as I did for my EMT job interview. I've had far more taxing interviews, but I've still never been so nervous.

You'll do fine!


Forum Lieutenant
If you're taking a written test, remember to pick your head up every now and then...otherwise the blood will accumulate in the frontal lobe and I guess that's bad. lol... at least that's what my instructor said.


Forum Probie
When I finally certified, it was a no nothing seizure call that I think shouldn’t have even counted. I was nervous everyday for a year. I was all alone in those days. One day I was writing up a chest painer. I was in a hurry to get back for lunch or something. I remember sitting there writing away and in short order, stood up, finished and signed my name with a John Hancock flare and started away. Suddenly I stopped and realized I had just done my umteenth CP call and I hadn’t even thought about it. It just happened. I had reached a level point in my experience.

Later at my fifth year ann. I talked with a guy I graduated with. He admitted to me just what I was feeling…..he had finally felt that he understood what he was doing. At ten years we both said “hey, I think I know what I’m doing now”.

You never stop learning, never stop making mistakes, never stop correcting those and then start learning again.

(BTW.. when I say “all alone” I mean with an EMT driver and I don’t mean to disparage EMT-basics at all. Its just the way we felt in those days because everyone on the dept was an EMT and they got assigned to drive for us, not based on desire, but on seniority. The new raw recruits got the job and mostly were very new and raw. It was a steep learning curve and as a new medic it was not easy to watch yourself and the newbie. ( two newbies sort of ) :)


Forum Asst. Chief

everyone here that may speak to you started somewhere

myself, i had the advantage of running with experienced people

hopefully you will also, follow their lead



Forum Crew Member
I don't think I'm necessarily insecure with my skills.......In fact I feel pretty confident.....I just hate the idea of possibly screwing up in front of two of my instructors (who are doing the testing).....The only true part I am worried about is the weighted stretcher lift.....I know if I do that last I will probably have my adrenalin pumping and it won't be anything.....But what follows is what we have to do to be employed.....

WRITTEN TEST- Will consist of two parts, a multiple choice test (consistent with level of licensure) and completion of a patient care report from a scenario. You will utilize the state approved form utilized by the District.

ENDOTRACHEAL INTUBATION/COMBITUBE- EMT's will be tested on the Combitube, Paramedics will be tested on the ET tube. The applicant must be proficient in verbalizing indications and contraindications and performance of the intubation technique for the device consistent with licensure level. Three (3) attempts will be allowed for successful completion.

CARDIOPULMONARY RESUSCITATION- The applicant must be proficient in recognizing the need for CPR, the performance of CPR, and the proper sequence of events based on the scenario provided. American Heart Association standards will be utilized. Applicant will perform one or more aspects of CPR for a maximum of five (5) minutes.

MEDICAL AND TRAUMA SCENARIO- The applicant will be provided a scenario and is expected to manage the scene and the patient, and provide treatment in accordance to level of licensure. The applicant will also communicate information to medical control.

WEIGHTED STRETCHER LIFT- An employee will assist the applicant in lifting a long backboard and stretcher with 200 pounds secured to it from ground level to a folded loading height of approx. 22 inches and then the entire weighted unit will be lifted to the loading position of approx. 40 inches. The applicant will then properly load the weighted stretcher into an ambulance. This skill must be performed while utilizing proper body mechanics and good communication skills. The applicant must be prepared to lift a maximum of 300 pounds. (Ferno cot 75 lbs, cot mattress 5 lbs, long backboard 15 lbs, added weight items 200 lbs.) with an assistant. Two (2) attempts will be allowed for successful completion.

EQUIPMENT CARRY TEST- The applicant will carry equipment while walking through a designated course. The equipment will consist of a cardiac monitory/defibrillator weighing approx. 35 lbs and a fully stocked medical bag weighing approx. 35 lbs. The equipment may be placed on the ground only ONCE during the entire course, however, the equipment may be repositioned as often as needed. Maximum time to complete the course is ten (10) minutes. Evaluation time will not be paused during periods of rest. Applicant will receive an automatic failure if equipment touches the ground more than once. An employee will walk along side the applicant during the test.

Voila-there ya go.


Forum Crew Member
Oh and my blood pressure has been super high-at least for me-the last couple of days.......Yesterday it was 146/96......usually runs about 110/65 or so. I am sure once tuesday is over it will go back to normal-HOPEFULLY. Today when I woke up it was 140/90. I feel ok though-been drinking a lot of water and relaxing......


Forum Captain
I got lucky with my Job..

-I- got lost and found the FD...dude there owned an abulance company found out I was certified snatched me up..called me the next day "your coming in right"

My interview consisted On four simple things...

Loading the stretcher into the Ambulance

Lifting 175 Pound dummy (He wanted to be certain)

And downing One cup of coffee and 2 doughnuts before the boss could finish his

I also had to be able to hang with guys because there are 3 women counting me rest are dudes.....

My Verbalization was a basic "Can you do this describe how you would do that" then the kicker "Why do you want to be in EMS what do you hope to accomplish"

Afterwards I walked out with a badge a shirt and a smile on my face (A little queezy from cramming the doughnuts and drinking the coffee....I HATE coffee)


Forum Crew Member
that would be awesome-i expect to hear by the end of this week when my start date is......hopefully-i feel pretty confident though


Forum Crew Member
So I went and lifted the cot today and it was not really a problem I just gotta make sure whoever my partner is is paying attention when I am ready to lift so I am not stuck holding it up with 300 lbs loaded to it. Got a new trick for lifting but kind of difficult to explain......


I put the M in EMTLife
Community Leader
soon2bemt said:
So I went and lifted the cot today and it was not really a problem I just gotta make sure whoever my partner is is paying attention when I am ready to lift so I am not stuck holding it up with 300 lbs loaded to it. Got a new trick for lifting but kind of difficult to explain......
Just a few words of lifting wisdom:
1. Communicatoin is critical when lifting a cot. Do you lift on three? Ready.. . lift?
2. Your knees need to do the lifting, really. It may be awkward at first, but you need to learn how to lift properly with your knees. Lifting with your back will you get in trouble, it's just a matter of time.
3. Know you and your partner's limitations. All of the lifting injuries I've seen working on the job were because a lift wasn't handled properly or there wasn't adequate lifting assistance. This is something I always discuss with my new partners. Call for a lift-assist when you need one.

Lifting is one of those tasks that you'll be doing all day as an EMT. Whether it's the cot, backboard, or just equipment, knowing how to properly and safely lift someone is important. I'd ask your work / training center for a video on proper lift techniques. If may seem stupid now, but I can't tell you how many partners I've had get injured on stupid lifts. Some required surgery, a couple could never return to the road (imagine being an EMT and now having to work a desk job every day). One of my partners even lost feeling in her legs after a botched lift. It took her nearly a year to be functional again.
