Injured Paramedic Has To Wait An Hour After Ambulance Wreck

I'm sure there is another side of the story.....

but it is pretty :censored::censored::censored::censored:ty that the supervisor was there and left, didn't even bother to keep the injured coworker company until the ambulance arrived.
I'm sure there is another side of the story.....

I agree. There is always another side of the story they just haven't followed up with it. As far as the collision goes according to another local news source: “It appears that unit one (the ambulance) did not exercise due regard at the intersection.”,0,2179615.story

Also to add to the original link, there was a video posted on the news site:

On a positive note, while the circumstances aren't favorable, at least no one was critically injured or killed from the incident.
Just doesn't seem like a great way for an agency to deal with an OTJ injury. Leaving aside just how distasteful it is to leave a colleague like that, does the employer not have a duty to investigate the incident? Does the Supervisor not have a duty under H&S to the employee to ensure their safety and that they receive treatment?

Frankly wouldn't the first Ambulance arriving on scene need to remain their and manage all the patients until they could be transported; or if they needed to transport a Pt. leave the Supervisor on scene to manage care? This sounds like abandonment to me.

We had a District Superintendent injured in an MVC last year. The instant response to that call was the RRU whose patrol zone it occured in and two Ambulances, not to mention the Special Response Unit that self-dispatched (as they're allowed to do) and a Superintendent from the neighbouring district to command the scene and investigate. That doesn't even count all the other units which repeatedly offered to respond as well and PD and Fire.

Why would you take worse care of your own then you would a member of the public?
Why couldn't they carry everyone in one ambulance? No need for the wait or the waste of additional resources.