I'm now a CERT Instructor!


Site Administrator
Community Leader
Today I graduated from CERT Trainer Academy.. LOL. I'm sure most of you are familiar with the Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Program. The program teaches basic search and resuce, fire suppression (extinguishers) and triage to neighborhoods and communities. Well, I was selected by the county and my Red Cross chapter to go through the Train the Trainer class and today I received my certificate so that I can now train others.

That is all. B)

Our county has just recently formed a CERT team, after Hurricane Ivan and they realized just how overwhelmed our local resources were until the calvary arrived from Jacksonville and Orlando. It is really a great program.
Good for you. On an ambulance call we had a CERT guy try to tell me he knew what he was doing and he could help the patient. While my crew tended to the patient, I tried my best to very politely tell the CERT guy that it's great he is taking an active role in the community, but right now the people caring for the patient have far more training and equiment available to them.

I had a similar situation once, except replace the CERT guy with a drunken bystander. We placed a drunk patient on the cot for loading into the ambulance, and the bystander tried to tell me that the patient needed to be on his side to prevent him from choking on his tounge.
Good job!

We had our CERT final here two weeks ago. It's great to see all the citizens wanting to get out and help.
:) :) :) AWESOME!! CONGRATS!!! :) :) :)

We just started one here too....Good Luck!
Congrats!! I just got my Asst. Instructor cert a month ago. I will be assisting with the new hire trainings starting next month. I am going to get my primary instructor cert in March.
That's awesome CO. By being a CERT instructor it will allow our Chapter to reach out into the community more. Plus I get to play with FIRE, something I haven't done in almost five years. Okay, so were talking about a burn pan but at least it's a little bit of heat. :D
Chimpies's da man.

You 'da MAN!!!

I'm finishing up my Secondary Instructor (Primary Skills Instructor) class at my Squad / Training Institute.
