Really? Nothing about hypothermia in trauma and formation of the fibrin net, it's all "personal experience?" Where are my statisticians when this kind of thing happens? Nothing about creating a hypothermic patient, nothing about creating a hyperthermic patient? Have we really gotten to a place in EMS where we have to say "everybody gets a blanket?" In a couple of years, there will be some contraindication to this "everyone gets a blanket," and a decrease in post hospital outcomes secondary to inappropriate blanket usage.... I knew we were on a downhill slope, but Jesus!!! I guess as long as we can care appropriately for the patient and stop this cookbook monkey trick stuff, then maybe we'll all get through this, but really.... Rant Off...
You have no idea the self-restraint it took me not to comment on hypothermia in shock from any etiology.
Forget cookbook monkey, I am a feeze-baby. My thermostat is set to 82. I get a blanket if not 2 if you don't want it to be the most miserable transport of your life.