For once I knew what was going on, but alas, missed the boat.
I'd like to reiterate the "get everyone else out of the room" point. You'd be amazed what important information patients will tell you once their partner/sister/mother/father etc isn't there. I've seen many a resident led astray on a hx by a patient's covering up infidelity, shame or fear of abuse.
I'd also like to remind everyone that this scenario can easily apply to any age of woman. Many people think that undesired pregnancies are common to teenagers exclusively, but the majority of women I've seen terminate pregnancies are actually 20-40, often married and raising children. They may not have strict parents, but many lack access to health care, have abusive relationships, etc.
Insurance coverage for abortion is about to take a radical hit due to health care reform (it's complicated, google it or something). This combined with recent violence at clinics, and the fact that few OB/GYN and family practice residents are receiving training in abortion, means we may very well see a drop in access to safe abortion over the next few years. Many of the abortion providers in the field today were around before Roe v. Wade, and therefore saw many patients such as the one posed in this scenario suffer and die, and many will tell you that is the reason why they provide the procedure today. Almost none of the doctors who will be replacing them over the next few years have this kind of emotional investment in the issue.
Almost certainly this will lead to an increase in "back alley" type abortions and more complications such as this. One only needs to look at countries that ban or greatly restrict access to legal abortion to see that the number of abortions don't really decrease when doctors aren't providing them, they just shift to other "methods" and "practitioners." Septic pregnancy wards were once common in the US and Canada, and these patients are still very common in countries were access is banned or limited today. No matter what your ethical standpoint on abortion is, this is a reality.
Thank you for posting this scenario and reminding us that this still happens today. I'll get off my soapbox.